Yogesh V Nayyar
Founder and Lawyer at YVN & Associates! Author, Writer, Member, ICJ, London, Member, Museum Advisory Comiitte, National Museum of Forensic Science! Awards- Top 50 Legal Falcon-2021! Litterateur Award, 2021!
We are living in era and time which is said to be highly advanced, modernized where people have their own independent thinking. The question that arise is, whether we all are really human and humane?
Passage of time right from old era, the entire lands have seen changes, diversity, change of climate, growth, development. The time we are living in, is really the time where people are humane or it is lost beneath the clutter of desires of people with changing time?
Where, we see the old time, it is said and people think contrary to today that in old time technology wasn’t this advanced as is today. But; they are wrong.
Technology was highly advanced than what is today. Today, people are so dependent on technology that they hardly think of their mind wisely. “Being wise” is merely a word now a day’s replaced and shadowed with self-satisfying desires, greed and gluttony.
EGO of people is high scaled based on their achievements. Though no matter one hasn’t achieved anything or done good in life, but is the first one to give an advice and wish to be a hero.
People more believe in politicizing things than believing in having an amicable solution without hurting sentiments; peace and tranquility.
None does think; where we gonna scale with and to what level. Would such act and behavior of anyone barring any caste, creed, custom, trade-tradition or religion would ever help anyone to prosper and let the countries prosper? No! But; albeit; all understand as everyone allegedly claim oneself to be educated; but; does anyone really act and behave like one? No!
None is interested in self analysis. None is interested in how am I hampering the atmosphere; either of family, society or otherwise. Only thing that prevails is; how do I come up and be known. Contribution for well-being can never be said to be contribution unless it is done with a positive thinking for prosperity and advancement with an intention to curtail, contain the adversities of life, human and society.
The situation the entire world is going through right now; is extremely drastic and catastrophic. But; yet people are more in blaming than finding a solution. Has really human lost mind to think wise? In the wake of achieving things, mass research is being done, scientists are trying to explore the outer space; whether there is life on some other plant or not. But while doing so; has anyone given it a thought what about the lives those exist on earth right now and going through trauma and catastrophe? If these lives which are existing right now survive, then only the research done or carried out would be of any benefit; otherwise; for whom the research and development would be of use?? Who would be benefited by such development, growth and advancement? I guess; none.
To attain power, growth; greedy of human got so advanced that it crossed limits and boundaries and people started behaving like savage. For what?
Earth always happened to be beautiful, so as well is nature. Stop pursuing your greed for power. None would gain anything; but greed would destroy everything. None has a right to destroy; if one is not capable of giving life.
All the countries of the world are fighting and striving hard to overcome the catastrophic situation every nation is going through. All the countries need to come together forgetting their own grudge; adversity with anyone and work for one thing.
If we survive, we all will have days to fight and take out our grudges against each other. But, if we don’t then what? So please. Stop fighting. Help everyone as we all need everyone around us. Help in the name of Mata Rani, God, Allah, Jesus!
If we really mean that we are educated, then be sensible and keep the EGO aside. Because even the animals even raise an alarm when there’s a catastrophe.
Help being selfless. Cause we are human.