Are we really doing justice to parenting??

Are we really doing justice to parenting??

As a parent today’s after hearing about the tragic incident of Sushant Singh Rajput, I’m stunned and shocked, to say the least. An exceptional actor, talented individual just gave up and what is the possible reason quoted DEPRESSION.

More importantly, there was another article that I came across some days back an article published in The Economic Times, that says as per the survey conducted only 20% of the people are actually happy and satisfied with what they are doing as a career/ profession. Further to this, there are some staggering and eye-opening figures that talk about an increase in STRESS and ANXIETY related issues other than the Blood pressure, Diabetes, and Lower back issues due to long hours in the working class has gone by over 500% in last 15 years. So where are we going wrong and are we to be blamed for this in anyway. Can we control this? Can we make it better for ourselves and our .ids? Can we do something about this so that people?

Also, today, if you see the suicide counts in learning kids, is an all-time high, why have you ever thought? Where are we going wrong, why isn’t anyone questioning this? Why is everyone just giving it a blind eye as if it doesn’t matter? As per a recent survey, over 5000 school and college-going kids attempt or commit to attempting suicide immediately post results are released across the country and we haven’t done anything about it to date. Why are we being ignorant about this? Do these kids don’t matter, Some could have been the next Shri. APJ Abdul Kalam, Sachin Tendulkar, Sania Mirza, and many more but they just couldn’t last to discover their own potential.

So as I sit back to understand where possibly could we go wrong and it really hurts me to say this with a heavy heart, we have failed to see the pain in our kids, WHILE WE PUSHED THEM TOWARDS A CAREER, WHICH MAYBE THEY WERE NOT CUT OUT FOR.

Please understand those kids are all unique, so STOP comparing, complaining, nagging, being picky. Instead appreciate their dreams, desires, and aspirations. When you lay your demands and expectations on them to fulfill your dreams and aspirations, an intense psychological pressure starts to set in their minds. A point comes when they are not able to handle the pressure and succumb to such extreme expectations. This journey starts from early days in the school itself where we keep pushing them for better grades instead of focusing on their learning abilities and skills followed by college and then career streams for which their aptitude may match but the personality and motivational factors don’t. Leading to a lack of motivation at work, no focus or interest at whatsoever resulting in poor work performance and lack of self-belief and confidence.

Hence, I urge every parent, teacher, mentor, guide or anyone related to or can help kids, please do not put you unwanted and unnecessary expectations on kids. Don’t cage them within your dreams instead Let them, Horne, their own skills and talents. Let them live their own dreams and aspirations, let them be their own creators, and help them shape their future instead of creating one for them. Be their support system, so they know they are special, that you care for them, which no matter what happened, you will always be there to support them in good and in bad times. Let them know how good they are, let them know they are perfect and they are sufficient too they don’t need to be corrected always, they are allowed to make mistakes and learn from it and see them fly…

With this intention in mind, I’m sharing this article so that with your help I can reach as far as I can and help those KIDS and their parents/guardians who are facing this same doubt. 

For Kids and parents… if you really want to know more about kids and their strengths, possible and best-suited career options …please refer to the below link that can help you to get the career assessment done so that you get all the necessary details. Also, if you wish to speak to me, please DM me and I’m more than willing to help you.

?I hope you will help me to spread this important message to as many as possible so that they can take this benefit and move towards a career while they are not only HAPPY and cheerful but able to give their best and do justice to their own skills and talents.


Thank you.


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