Are we really different Human or Machine ??

Are we really different Human or Machine ??

Its all started with a QUESTION ? Questions are the amazing super power we have. When we Questions we move into realm of one universe of knowledge to another. I have seen movie ImitationGame a zillion timeyou must all have as-well ) in which the lead role Alan Turing get ask a question that "Can machine ever thinks as human being do ??" the answer he responded to really stuck in my head scratching that part of my brain again.

His answer goes kind of like this ->" Of course machines can't think as people do. A machine is different from a person. Hence, they think differently. The interesting question is, just because something, uh... thinks differently from you, does that mean it's not thinking? Well, we allow for humans to have such divergences from one another. You like strawberries, I hate ice-skating, you cry at sad films, I am allergic to pollen. What is the point of... different tastes, different... preferences, if not, to say that our brains work differently, that we think differently? And if we can say that about one another, then why can't we say the same thing for brains... built of copper and wire, steel?"

Well I have come a long way from above mention point of view by Alan TuringI have started to question the very nature of being human and the way we respond and processes that make us human different from machine. The thing about Question is it pop in my head randomly so bear with me if at start things seem random and wont make much sense I do have this unorthodox way of writing in which reader have a feel I am making 180-degree shift. But bear with me In the end I do let you be the judge that was it all some meaningless writing or there is indeed some merit to my findings.

Question 1: Do we really feel emotions or we just simulate them ?

Answer : Well I think we simulate them we get input from our surrounding and output accordingly. Happy, sad, anger all these emotions are simulation that we can teach a machine as-well by recognising responders facial features and cross-referance with our biological chemistry (and personality : which is formed by nature and nurture we call psychology) to output a respond that is just appropriate. Isn't that how we do. We can form an algorithm which have all these parameters to gave a resultant output that is human like.

Question 2: Can a computer write poetry ? Which is kind of a provocative question. Think about it for a moment. After thinking you will suddenly have a bunch of other questions like ? What is a computer ? What is poetry ? What is creativity ? and Now there is another ocean our innocent little brain need to process !!! well i leave that to your brains ;)

Question 3: Is it possible to model the human psyche, and explain a great deal about what it is that make human intelligence by describing these three aspect of Identity

  1. -Self-Image (How do i see myself ?)
  2. -World-View  (How do I see the world around me ?)
  3. -Role (How does the world see me ? who are they telling me to be ?)

I think there is some weight in these three parameters,3-aspects of Identity

Question 4: Can we build an intelligent computer ? Can we build a creative computer ? What I seems to be asking over and over is Can be build a human like computer ? Lets raise a stake and go beyond our comfort zone and ask a Big Question "Are we human are machine like being ???" 

okay that is a little creepy. I am not gonna got to the world of concept like we live in a matrix or simulation and everything is an illusion, we live in a hologram or virtual reality world etc etc Now lets logically analyse .....

All decision or choice or road we human ever make (or took )come down to simple choice of yes or no which is 0 or 1. The choices we make and the path we take all seems like a carefully define sets of instruction (algorithm) with an illusion that we choose what we choose. But in truth path is already been chosen. Simulation is already been run. We simulate rather than feel, biological,chemical and electrical signals interpreted by the our brain.

Question 5: What is a though ? why cant we think anything other that what we have never witness or see ? Imagination, thoughts, dream, choices,decision,creativity are the words that differentiate us from machine (are the argument we present and are proud off) machine cant do any of it they are imitation of life . For real think , think again Aren't we do the same, imitate life .  

let me explain with example for us to imagine a Uni-corn we have to see a horse and a bird .If we haven't seen a horse or a bird we are incapable of imagining a Uni-corn. It is humanly impossible to Imagine and Think of a creature mythical as Uni-corn. This above is a simple yet fine example of our behaviour as non-human but simple clever computation perform by our brain using two images and trying to see all possibilities we can come up with. Which is kind of like genetic algorithm fitness function .What can we come up with by combining horse and bird (You can see that in a harry potter movies :) or clash of titan as ref to flying bird horse like creatures).

biological being or mechanical one, the commonality is we interpret electrical signal through brain or processor. decision lead down to 0 or 1. "Why we get energise or mesmerise when a machine display a very small human like behaviour even if its just a glimpse/imitation". I might wont be wrong in saying that human machine is trying to build mechanical machine which might lead to mechanical machine will someday build another smarter mechanical machine. Because it is the next logical step

"As human evolution take millions of years hence therefore we need a machine that evolve at much faster rate, Basically we are just trying to recreate ourself with what is at our disposal"

