PART 1: Awakening – It’s Time To Call Your Own Energy Back! 8 Billion World Population – Say ‘No’ to unconscious slavery!
India has recently celebrated its 77th Independence Day!? Celebrating Independence Day of any country / community is not bound by its place or people but a beautiful way to acknowledge the past with the present for the future who were slaved by the so called masters. It allows to learn the lessons one need to learn and evolve and release that’s not needed any further. India was and is always considered a peace loving country absorbed with spiritual values at its core than religious for thousands of years. Since, India’s Independence from the British – it’s been a cordial relationship between two countries and that’s good for Earth vibration as well for human souls. India was very abundant in material sense then it is today besides its spiritual abundance which British saw as an opportunity to target the innocent and presented itself as Masters for which many Indians fought, died and some fell in the trap of Slavery in return for - Power, Lust, and Greed (Three Universal Law). Lessons were meant to learn; not to be naive and use discernment. Evolvement and release that India needed; learn to protect oneself – own people, place and things and release the trauma with thanks (hoponopono) for teaching the lessons on protecting self.
That was a gist about India’s Independence from the British; let’s go back further than that!
[Disclaimer: This article is deep and a blend of science, spirituality, history, myth, astrology, mystic, metaphysics, quantum, and astronomy based on proven and unproven research and information and may not be accurate and for all. References are not provided on purpose except here and there to encourage self study than led on information that’s required for soul ascension. This article is not to offend any people, community, faith, gender or race; please read and discern. Also, this article contains copyrighted images of the original owners; used here for educational purpose only (Fair Use), do not reproduce.]
‘Slavery and Mastery’?is beyond pre-ancient that existed in every Era if not exactly in the true word sense but in the form of Light and Dark – Divine and Wicked since millions of years.
The repetitive happenings of similar pattern of events in different Era has encouraged some historians, astrologers, scholars, and a physician like Nostradamus to predict future but with different circumstances, times and places with similar intent. That also opened some thought process to the incarnations of same souls or soul family members or galactic family happen to come back over and over again but in different color, place, and timeline.
We, humans are just a spiritual beings (souls) sent to Earth in human form to learn and experience new things, evolve, and share the learnt experiences on to the other planets once we leave our body here on Earth. Instead, our human soul [Earth Soul] got stuck in the game of ‘Slavery and Mastery’. Not realizing when and how we got here to the slavery of our own making. No soul as a human was sent to Earth to be someone’s slave in the first place. Every soul has their own individual plan as per their own free will they can re/incarnate on any planet they wish to anytime with their own soul family. But conditions apply; our soul energy frequency shall vibrate above 3rd Dimension to be able to travel to above dimensional planets else will have to reincarnate on Earth till we vibrate higher. Table shown below may help us know about the Human Soul Dimensions.
Most of the human souls are believed to be stuck in Third Dimension Misery! What that means? We face similar situations over and over again. We leave one job and end taking up similar job. We move away from one place to the new but end up with similar surroundings. We leave one relationship behind but end up in similar relationship. To understand this pattern, metaphorically we may need to go beyond further from Earth rest assured will come back to present in couple of minutes.
Space agenda: Galactic Federation Council
Galactic Federation Council (The High Council) is a planetary governing body in the Universe that oversees activities of all planets and its races; its agenda for Earth Souls is to vibrate on higher energy frequency of 5th Dimension to feel content, happy, and loved. Our unique soul stamp (original DNA Blueprint) is present in the Universal Intelligence Records. There are TWO major galactic races we are going to talk about here that concern our Earth and its inhabitants.
Galactic Race 1: Pleiades originated from first ever star seed ‘Lyrans’ clan (kind, loving, empath, trans-human, 12D+ [On Earth: humanoid-human souls 3D & above])
Galactic Race 2: Orions ruled by ‘Draconians’ clan (instill fear, soul-stealing, destiny-stealing, reptilians-entamins-greys, 3D [On Earth: humanoid-reptilian/entamin souls 1D & above])
Beginning of New Age of Aquarius:
Our Earth’s geographical current North Star is pointing to the Polaris star ascending towards the Vega star after a long completion of 12960 years in the six zodiacs of Vega – Polaris movement of half-cycle and continues moving to next six zodiacs of Polaris – Vega movement to complete one full Cycle of Time of 2160 years in each zodiac sign totals to a 25920 years cycle.
While Earth’s energetic ascending movement from Polaris star to Vega star, anything that is directed towards Vega star is of higher energy frequency of guiding force in humanity’s cosmic cycles of learning and growth. The rays travel to Earth as quantum waves with various degrees of intensity. This ascending movement travels to Earth as quantum of light as photon energy that shifts our consciousness and many possibilities are activated catalyzing new stages of evolution for Earth and Human souls. During this time Earth forces us to leave people, places, things, superficialities, and anything that does not deserve or serve us behind. This ascension energy movement is the Earth’s immune system that removes parasites for itself to be in good health and in loving energy. While Earth’s energetic descending movement of Vega star to Polaris star, rays travel to Earth as quantum of electricity as electron energy that reduces its vibration frequency resulting to disease, chaos, deceit, and uncleanliness. The above mentioned two galactic races share six zodiac time periods each assigned 12960 years to guide and help the Earth Souls during their time.
For last 12960 years our Earth was under the control of Dracos (The Custodians). In 3000 BC North Star was pointing to Thuban star (Alpha Draconis); around and after that period much more chaos, crimes, killings, sufferings, deceit, slandering, disease, poverty, and human trafficking came into existence and most of it were created energetically that make Earth frequency to vibrate lower and brings changes to well being of Earth inhabitants. To revert these extreme wrongs; with the Earth’s new ascending movement and Pleiades healing energy, Earth will restore its peace and harmony and humanity as planned by the Galactic Federation of Light.
Why does Earth need the Pleiades galactic race?
We, human souls are a galactic race too but from planet Earth for this lifetime. We may reincarnate on some other planets in other lifetimes if our soul vibrates higher and may come back to Earth again. The human souls by default has creativity, logical thinking power and intelligence of 5D within their DNA and capable to learn more, experiment, and implement. We, being stuck in 3rd Dimension are able to use only 10% of our brain. The Pleiadian’s are assigned to Earth to guide, help, and ease the human soul’s cyclical growth in creating evolutionary timelines (ascending bronze – silver - golden ages). A New World of Love, Joy, and Enlightenment!
Pleiadian’s chose to incarnate on Earth as any other regular human soul to serve, transmit their crystalline teachings of ancient wisdom, help human soul to heal and evolve, and activate light codes in the souls to vibrate in frequency of light of 4D to 5D to exist in state of love not fear. The healing clears away all traumas, childhood abuse, anxiety, fear, and allows transmuting, renewal and rebirth of light and telepathy in the body system. It is believed, in the New World mind will create new realities with beyond wildest imagination of the new technology that will be provided to us and rest all of the 90% brain of ours will also be in use. Humans will be able to live for hundreds of years. We are being helped in a great magnitude because Earth was conscious and in 5th Dimension when souls of Adam and Eve was placed on the lands. But, plan detoured due to their distractions (a setup by the Dracos) and breaking of Universal Law. We being their human gene on Earth, over a period of time everyone got spiraled to lower dimensions instead intended 5th or higher ascensions. There was an attempt made by the Galactic Federation during Atlantis and Lemuria era to raise consciousness of human souls but failed to raise the vibration.
With the beginning of The New Age of Aquarius; Earth Souls are going to be in the photon belt in sync with the Earth’s ascension movement of loving energy. It is asking human souls to vibrate higher, correct past mistakes and evolve for approaching stage of soul ascension. Before exiting from the position of mastery, It’s also the envy of the Dracos (The Custodians) that making great efforts to destroy all that is of high energy (souls, places, things) by pulling it to low vibrations causing pandemics, brainwashed and criminal-mind medias/movies, creating behind the scenes warlike situations and much more not known to regular humans. But, Earth vibration also constantly getting restored; Thanks to our ancient Shaman Souls who protects the Earth with positive energy work for us Earth Souls to live in serene and harmony around the world as much as possible.
It’s also the time for us human souls to clear our cellular memory to free our own soul from any repetitive outdated 3rd or lower dimension energies and negative thoughts of lack – self doubt – fear and also generational curses since last reset of 13K years of our any reincarnations on Earth. If you are wondering, Reincarnations are real? Yes, they are! Draconian’s has been soul mining the Earth Souls thru locked-in cellular memory using sorcery since thousands of years. That’s ending now and forever. This new ascension movement would raise energy vibration frequency of Earth Souls. By default, the earth souls are created to live for hundreds of years but human DNA was manipulated and modified by Draco’s and had control over what we eat by making only those available to us easily that led our life span change to few years to even months and days over the period of time. Let’s look at the Draconian agenda behind keeping Earth and human soul’s energy vibration bound to 3rd and lower dimensions.
Earth agenda: Draconian Empire Ruled By The Custodians
On Earth, the Draconian’s have a mastery pyramid that we may name as ‘Draconian Empire Pyramid’ or The Custodians Pyramid - an empire built on AI and dark alchemy! Based on this pyramid, Draconian’s operates the entire Earth today including banks, governments and media using power of mastery on human souls and decides when financial markets has to go up or down or when to generate wars to suit their personal agendas and even alchemize tsunamis, earthquakes and calamities. Also, harvests human blood (killing for adrenochrome/energetic blood drain for self-survival) and as well 8 billion world population soul energy stealing and destiny stealing. We can protect our own energy at free will:
‘My creator and Life source, I am calling my own energy, my own power, and all my energy signatures back to me healed and purified wherever it may have gone knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously and sending others energy back to whomever it belongs to. I am protecting my energy signatures from anyone harvesting, stealing, or siphoning and transmuting all negative and low vibration energies around me into pure love and light, peace and harmony in spirit and in flesh across all dimensions, realms, timelines and lifetimes. So it is!‘
Draconian Earth Agenda Explained!
How Earth Souls are constantly kept bound to 3rd and Lower Dimensions?
The Beast computers are said to be set in the Vatican structure controlled by fallen Black Nobility and their descendants where energy vibration of every human soul born on Earth gets energetically connected-mapped to its Index memory files thru delta wave and Artificial Intelligence technology and Skynet AI/Spyder Net. Some celestial souls (Chosen Ones) become victim of energetic Nanobots (entity) induced into their body tissue; that detects and sense specific emotions as programmed and send the information to the system. When anyone's soul energy frequency starts rising beyond that's programmed, it sends a signal to the Hive-Mind Network team that starts working on sending the Artificial Intelligence based and Dark Archetypes based projected grief (emotions) and pain to the brain and body using Remote Neural Monitoring system and energetic Ley Lines that reaches us thru cell towers, electric poles, smart meters, power supply lines, WiFi routers, cell phones, laptops, microwaves, setup boxes, television mind-control; and Electro Magnetic Field/Radio frequencies around us gets over activated. To operate this entire huge dark network they lure criminals, lower income groups, and secret societies–cults members under their surveillance with high rewards for fame and fortune in return.
Internally, set group gets activated that starts agendas of encouraging chemical imbalance and mind manipulation to a spiritual soul through substance ?usage, same-sex/extra-marital relationship (lust), superficial material life (greed), mass killings (power), and intimidating usage of more negative words-statements-slangs (F**k, S*x, Rap*, Mu*d*r, Ab*s*, Po*n) over and over again thru projected media sources and feeds to keep the mind vibration frequency working at its low that gives temporary superficial high but not of our own soul self. Now, children and future generations are being targeted too. The so called network-group members are given the status of (false) elites and celebrities; provided maximum privileges to exempt from tax payments, waived off criminal charges, debts cleared, and much more as rewards to keep us bound to Draco’s creation of Third Dimension life.
The bottom level group in the Draconian Empire Pyramid, is referring to majority of the world population (excluding negative galactic races) of regular earth souls, Pleiades and other positive galactic races; empaths and content with the life unknown who we are born as. Every soul born on Earth is in sleep state and stays as is till its vibration is raised above 3rd Dimension. Till then we would easily obey without questioning if someone tells us they are our master; so well put as ‘Sheeple/Slave’ in their pyramid.
The other galactic beings or celestial beings incarnate on Earth sent by Galactic Federation (The High Council) to help raise vibration of Earth Souls and this mission doesn’t make their life easy as they have to awaken themselves first by pulling away from 3rd Dimension bind and ascend to be able to help others. These souls have been already incarnating for some time now, coming out of sleep state, awakening and ascending. While, these souls were in sleep state; Draco’s knew who they were based on the vibration they carry before even these beings are awakened to their own fact and their vibrations were lowered at birth thru Spiritual Warfare and a Targeted Individual since then. For the Earth’s new ascension movement, in time all Chosen Ones are awakening and ascending to help Earth Souls to raise their vibration.
The Pleiades are going to be a breakthrough for Earth souls in freeing from 3rd Dimension; these souls are pure and born majestic and have capability to quick turnaround and unknown to them goes by the book of the Universal Law throughout their lifetime on Earth unless a few succumbed to the trap of Draco’s. They have a tendency to vibrate to an awakened state after a long sleep state of being under stress, bad luck or ill-health. Fame, fortune and luck comes to them naturally once their planetary aspects are aligned to the planets of their North Node as their patience hibernation period completes all Universal tests by being obedient souls on Earth unknown to them. While in sleep state, such soul’s majestic energy vibrations are the target of mastery network and thru dark alchemy can be easily harvested, siphoned, and stolen leaving this innocent soul in their misery in exchange for one’s own soul, destiny and fortune.
Why Galactic Federation doesn’t intervene preventing Third Dimension trap on the Earth Souls?
In the spiritual plane, at some level we do get help mystically looking for directions or path to light. Any soul that is breaking the Universal Law is required to learn the lessons, get soul evolved, and ready for soul ascension. Its only after body leaves Earth, their soul is informed about breaking of Universal Law in their previous lifetime. Now, choice is given to learn, evolve, and release in next lifetime or wish to escape the pain of learning. Within any of the next seven lifetimes - learning, evolving and releasing is required to be completed for soul ascension not bound by time. Any stubborn or laggard soul is forcibly put into next 7-lifetimes cycle of soul contract to learn that is called Karma!
Now, we know what will be our next lifetime based on this lifetime’s deeds and patterns so we have an opportunity to correct the mistakes in this lifetime itself; learn and release what we do not need in our next lifetime and raise vibration to be in sync for the New Earth Energy!
The Universal Law does lead us to Comfort, Family, and Happiness. Our souls are sent on Earth to enjoy too, have family, have luxuries - in the means of attainment that are of our own earned blessings of present and past lifetimes of our own soul work by the book of Universal Law but not of someone else’s stolen identity and fortune. And also, we are living in luxury and comfort for our own happiness but not to compete with higher than us. Living a content life-balance is the key!
Why Draconian's are Blocking the Earth Souls Ascension?
Dracos were believed to be blocking other galactic races too of high vibration civilizations from populating but that did not succeed and they keep trying to do so. They have been blocking Earth Souls ascension process for thousands of years now by modifying the original DNA to a lower dimension to prevent soul travelling to other planets. The collective mission of the Galactic Federation Council is shared knowledge; to gain new ideas and experiences from lands, share and implement on other lands for planetary development. In the present day if we vibrate higher and use 100% of our brain with inbuilt creativity, logical thinking power, and intelligence; improving our under-developed planet is possible with much efficiency. In the last hundred years, Dracos have built an empire on Earth that is programmed, remote, and alchemy based to control the mind-body-soul of Earth Souls so to be in power all the time and it was discovered they also have a master plan Blue Beam Project to slave humans further and be in power for ever. From the beginning of time, Dracos agenda was to have 'Slavery and Mastery’ over Earth Souls. With the New Age of Aquarius all that does not sync with Earth and Earth inhabitants is getting healed. Whenever we hear about ‘The End of Times’ that doesn’t mean the End of Humanity, but the end of?Draconian 13K mastery period (End of the Age of Pisces and beginning of New Age of Aquarius – reverse cycle stage of Ascension).
Looking at the Era table of Divine Couples; it hints to the Draco (The Custodians) agenda of blocking the Divine Couples on Earth from coming into an union and procreation as that would create higher vibration civilization. Some 200K years ago, Draco's had orchestrated the man-eating Neanderthal species giants (Big Foot) near human colonies that killed many humans and leaving the numbers to 40-50. Also, these giants had interbred with humans resulting to babies with manipulated DNA. It is believed, today humans have 2% DNA in them of this giant that began the emotion of revenge which was not present previously in the humans. And also, humans craving for non-vegetarian food. The original human DNA was created for vegetarian eating only that shall keep humans sane. Now, all this makes sense why Draco's do not want Divine Couples union and birthing pure DNA babies. This would certainly bring new and upgraded civilization that is free from anger, revenge, killings, and wars.
If we think about the biblical first tree; The Tree of Life - Earth Souls are surviving in 3D and the second tree; The Tree of Knowledge - Human souls have ascension awaiting from 3D to 5D that opens the knowledge of presence of other worlds. Whether we are ready or not, the Earth ascension movement is making us in alignment to be in love and light and leave life of slavery and fear behind!
Enhancements Required in Legal Systems of the World Governments – For A New World!
Let’s Heal Our Soul for The New World!
There are many frequency music available on internet but discernment needed what we listen, click, and stare at the visuals. It can be sometimes misleading and of negative and low vibe energies. When unsure, the best is to begin with listening to Reiki Energy music (a Japanese Energy Healing Therapy, not an alternative to medical treatment) that does no harm. There are few things that need to be cleared off from the Energy field, Auric field, and from Etheric Body. As we listen to the frequencies our energy field slowly upgrades to higher frequency around us and brings positive changes and thoughts suitable for our soul ascension. We may look for:
I believe, by now we have got insight on why and where we think we are stuck in the cycle of Slavery and Mastery. Each one of us has come to Earth with our own individual plan at our own free will and not truly stuck, we can rescue and protect ourselves. We are more creative, powerful and intelligent than we allow ourselves to perceive. We can say Sorry to self for not knowing better and ask for Forgiveness and say Thanks to self for learning by righting all past and present wrongs of our own soul making and heal and release to our creator (Life Source) to ascend for own soul sake to get ready for the New World of Love and Light. Everything is Fine!