Are we pursuing our True Purpose
Kapil Chhabra
*Holistic Leadership Advisor *Synergistic Leadership Strategist *Innovations Catalyst *Professional Speaker *Spiritual Congruence Advisor *Leadership Coach & Facilitator *Organisation Development *Seeker
Today morning, as I picked up my phone for a morning check-in of WhatsApp. A message popped-up that made me wonder about the human nature which makes us so engrossed in the immediate effects of an occurring such that the reactive solution may make it worse than the problematic occurring itself. It is like two friends getting so focussed on an occurrence i.e. a loss of a strike in a game, so as to loose sight of the big-picture, in that moment. As I witnessed my thoughts, I observed as follows:
1. A team should always play full on till the last ball is bowled or till the last wicket falls. As we neither know what the rest of the match will show-up, nor we should give-up the opportunity to test to our best. Above I pondered on the higher purpose of universe’s design in bringing the team members together.
2. I felt that 'What' is apparent is not real. The meanings are much deeper. The "apparent purpose" for honey bee is to make honey. Really? Now science has discovered that if honey bee were not doing their "true purpose" i.e. pollination; then the human being (and some more) life-forms can eventually be vanished from the face of this planet called earth.
3. The "True Purpose" for honey bee is to do cross pollination, so that so that greenery and forest can naturally grow. Making plants grow across the globe in such huge proportions is an endeavour much bigger than aided or destructed by human beings, in the name of restoration or development, respectively.
4. About, one third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. Simply put, bees keep plants and crops alive. Without bees, humans will have very less to eat. If bees do not live their “true purpose”, human beings will not have enough to eat.
5. Similarly, a mute question: What is the purpose of so called money bees (also popularly known as Human Beings). I seek crowdsourcing of the answers, from the every wise person on the face of this planet earth; as "What is the True Purpose of Human Life Form". A moderated summary of the answers received, and my intuited perspectives, will follow in the next episode (blog).
6. Further, another mute question: What is the True Purpose of teams. Certainly the Apparent Purpose is to accomplish a win for the objectives that necessitated the formation of a given team. I seek perspectives from every person to express their thoughts. A moderated summarisation of various thoughts received will be published in a follow-up episode (blog). My intuitive perspective is being shared in the next following point.
7. It is not a coincidence that how teams get formed. My perspective is that It’s universe's way of bringing selected human beings together so that they can learn some nuggets of wisdom, with an understanding that challenging events occurs to accelerate the evolution of the concerned team members through experiencing life. It all part of universe's grand design to help us so that learn those life-lessons that are necessary for our evolution in this Lifetime. So let us happily choose to observe and learn from whatever unfolds and to continue to play well, and to our best, till eternity.
So keep playing. We do not know what the next moment will un-fold. So focus on possibilities of recovery and keep playing.
& Please like, comment, share this article so that more people can reflect. Please share your perspectives on 'True Purpose of Human Life Journey', in the comments section below.
& I will follow-up with sequel part two, after receiving learning insights from you and those engaged together, on this social platform.
|Business Head | Operations-Search-Recruitment|
4 年@kapil chhabra, great share - True perception lies in lifting and helping people...