Who wants "clean air energy" with no greenhouse gas emissions?

Who wants "clean air energy" with no greenhouse gas emissions?

We are pleased to play a key role in supplying reliable "Clean Air Energy" without greenhouse gas emissions.

“Harper’s global leadership in nuclear fuel production system technology continues to be validated by clients, who place their trust in our staff to conceive and implement the world’s most advanced, efficient and reliable sintering thermal processing systems,” commented Tom O’Connor, Sales Manager at Harper International. “Further, Harper is pleased to partner with KNF on this project which will play a role in providing reliable energy without greenhouse gas emissions.”

Note: Photo taken January 21, 2016 by T. O'Connor on Hogback Mountain, VT, USA

John Imhoff

Owner at Imhoff Consulting

8 年

great post

Michael Kreppel

Managing Partner at Structural Ceramic Solutions

8 年

Very important to stay on top of nuclear fuels. The advanced reactor and fuels programs are critical to the future of nuclear energy in the US. Ceramics and fuels processing are key to these programs.

Thomas Bush, CSP

Experienced Construction & General Industry Consultant

8 年

At a time when everyone is looking for leadership not only in environmentally friendly but cost effective energy production world wide I see Harper as an innovator. Many may question how nuclear energy is either environmentally friendly or cost effective but done right it is far better than solar or wind energy. Great post Tom, may Harper continue to grow.

Ming Zeng

Data Analytic Manager

8 年

This is very important in China which is doing a lot of projects with clean air nuclear energy plants. We are eager to find a efficient and advanced air energy to meet the pressing needs.



