We Are People
It's kind of strange but though we have thousands of viewers, and have interviewed hundreds of people from hundreds of companies I still don't see ourselves as a media. I have been interested in the media landscape for many years. In 1992 I was part-owner of a keyboard/synthesizer-music magazine that ended up being one of the worlds first magazines 100% digitally made. Since then I have been writing hundreds of stories, reviews, articles, opinions, manuals, content for websites, blogs, reviews, and more - so when we started INKISH in 2015 the 'only' new thing was that it initially was a media on film - and not print.
I got into INKISH because of a very selfish need. I couldn't find information about business specifically related to the printing industry. Vendors showcased great equipment and printers showcased great print. For me it was almost impossible to see anything on YouTube, Facebook, Google, and other media that essentially was talk-tv. I wanted in-depth knowledge about running a business, finding new ways to use this fantastic technology, and finally I wanted to see successful people. I wanted to be inspired and of course, to be jealous like hell. "I can do it as good or better" - which has shown not to be exact - but the dream lives on.
When we started looking into INKISH we didn't have a clear vision about how to make money but one thing we were sure about - we didn't want to have advertising. We didn't want to be in a situation where we forgot about the viewers. We wanted to be unbiased and we still do. INKISH is therefore still 'for- and about the printing industry' - and we are defined by the people that participate in our films as well as the people who watch our movies.
We Are People.
Counting just a few weeks ago was staggering. More than 500 people have been filmed and interviewed since we began. I am proud of what we have done and when we look at all the people that contribute to our content like Pat McGrew, Richard Askam, Matthew Parker, Deborah Corn, and more - and all the fantastic sponsors that trust us without demanding influence is making us unique in maybe every aspect?
I am just happy that INKISH is getting more viewers, more subscribers, and more people supporting us. Soon we will release a very needed new website - version one is not that different from the current, but the vision is to build an entire eco-system around INKISH where you can use all our services after being logged in. The eco-system, of course, will have to be true to our values so our core business/service. Our films will continue to be free but we will build services that are SO great that you will want to buy these - but we want to have MANY users, and therefore our prices will be less than $10 per month per COMPANY (not per user). Among the services we are building services that can help you sell more, be better, service your customers better, faster, and more - 100% aligned with how we already try to support the printing industry. Why paid for, you can ask - but you already know the answer of course. It cost money to develop software, to make unbiased content, and if we end up being supported by the advertisers sooner or later we will be no different from the rest of the media.
The services we are already building are simple services that we believe can help you to grow regardless of where you are located. We can't wait to share - but for now you have to believe me.
INKISH is first and foremost content. We make films. We write stories. We are already providing apps like INKISH.CALC and INKISH.COMPARE and more in the pipeline. We believe in free and therefore our content is free to be used for everybody.