Are We Overlooking Gen-Z?

Are We Overlooking Gen-Z?

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Before we get into this, we first need to understand what Gen-Z is.

Gen-Z refers to anyone that’s born between 1995 and 2010.?

This does also mean that the majority of this generation segment would fall under the age of 18.?

Therefore, this is a demographic that only a few brands can reach out to depending upon the industry they’re in.?

Because of this, the category is often ignored.?

Millennials, despite making up around 40% of the population, didn’t grow up in the digital space that Gen-Z did.?

Gen-Z has had the internet from the time they were born, they grew up while it was advancing and are well-tuned in how it works.?

They’re pretty accustomed to digital devices, they’re used to being online.?

In fact, according to a blog by Acceleration Partners, Gen-Z spends an average of 3 hours a day online.?

They’re Mobile First

Brands must start thinking about how they present themselves to this segment of the population and how they should engage with partners and vice versa.?

Gen-Z has always been mobile first.?

They were born in a generation where mobile phones were very much a part of everyday life.?

They’re used to being online, being social and being led by social recommendations.?

That’s important in terms of brands and their influencer, content curator or ambassadors strategy.?

There’s a higher level of engagement in the Gen-Z population, which can be utilised depending on the brand and the products and services that you’re selling.?

You’ll also find that the publishers that tend to engage with this audience are also generally socially and technology-led.?

There are quite a few publisher examples that look to engage with Gen-Z in a really innovative way in terms of how they create their content, and how they enable purchasing online through their applications on the platform on and off the web.?

It’s important that you’re looking at how Gen-Z plays a part in your marketing strategy and that you’re embracing the publishers that are actually talking to that audience and being socially aware of that audience too.?

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Understanding Their Motives

If Gen-Z is a target audience that you want to be engaging with, there’s something you need to understand first.

You need to recognise what they need and want.?

They’re looking for unique content and are VERY opinionated on social issues – they’re aware of their environment.?

Sustainability plays a huge role in engaging with Gen-Z.?

It’s therefore important that brands understand how to speak to this generation and create content that resonates with them on various levels.?

Not just on price, or “coolness” ratio, but actually that explains the methodologies behind the business as well.?

They’re incredibly involved in worldwide issues.?

Many are actively participating in societal issues, and showing their support for others.?

So whether it’s Pride, anti-racism, economics or eco-based interests, they’re all incredibly important to this generation.?

It’s important to note that brands that have no stance on societal issues can severely damage their reputation and brand – opinions really matter to Gen-Z.?

Gen-Z wants to align with brands that are on the same level as they are, but also ones that are on the same path in terms of what they believe in including celebrating diversity and tackling issues that surround them daily.?

Brands must display integrity and authenticity clearly in the messaging that they deliver to Gen-Z consumers if they want to build trust.?

They want to understand what the brand stands for BEFORE actually engaging with and purchasing from them.?

If you’re trying to target Gen-Z, you need to consider who it is that you want to target and what message you want to get through to them.?

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Knowing What Resonates With Them

One thing about Gen-Z that’s key: They’re very discerning.?

To engage with this demographic, you need to have short, snappy content that’s delivered in a punchy way.?

For example, short media like reels on Instagram or TikTok really resonates with the Gen-Z community.?

Brands need to think about how they change their messaging across platforms too.?


Because what works on TikTok won’t necessarily work on Instagram – it changes across platforms.?

Therefore it’s important to produce marketing creative and content that fits different platforms.?

Yes, It’s Complicated

There’s no doubt that Gen-Z is probably the most complicated and hard-to-engage generation to target online.?

But using your partners effectively to speak to this audience segment is easier than you think!?

The thing is…

You can’t ignore them.?

They’re the next generation of consumers that are coming to the fore.?

We all need to understand how to actively engage with Gen-Z and authentically work with them.

Only this way will brands be able to build a relationship with them that actually lasts as they mature.?

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Understanding Gen-Z is crucial as they're not just future consumers but are shaping current market trends with their unique perspectives and digital fluency. ?? Generative AI can help you craft tailored content that resonates with this dynamic demographic, enhancing engagement and brand loyalty in ways traditional methods may not. ?? To explore how generative AI can revolutionize your approach to reaching and engaging Gen-Z, let's schedule a call and unlock the potential of AI-driven marketing strategies. ?? Christine

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Different strategies are indeed needed!

Matthew Hotchkiss

Head of Business Development | Passionate about connecting people, ideas & resources for successful partnerships. Growth-driven, relationship-focused. Let's connect!

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I think there are a lot of stereotypes around Gen-Z.

Chris McClellan

Entrepreneur, Founder & Business Strategist 9 X Founder & CEO with 7-9 figure Exits Investor & Advisor Acquisitions, Scale-up & Exits Impact, Tech, AI, Health-tech & Property

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There’s always a way to tackle every generation.

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The Executives Coach ?? For C&D Suite & Senior Leadership Teams Ready to Lead Brightly? ??Imposter Syndrome Specialist ?? EI & Leadership Skills Development ??#1 Best Selling Author?? Keynote Speaker ?? Mum ?? F1 Nut

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It’s true that they are harder to engage online.



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