We often hear of separations, running and chasing in Twin Flame connections but hardly hear of permanent unions. If anyone has reached the reunion sta
Arleen Meyer
Owner at Master's Kennels, Home of Dog University, Awakened DF/TF, Lightworker, Health Advocate
Ema Laurent, Twin Flame coach, in Union for several yearsTue
Having reached Union with my twin flame, I can tell you that the only way to have energetical harmony and Union is to have eliminated the accumulated negative energy within. This negative energy (our fears, unhealed traumas, resentment, lack of self-love, etc.) creates a negative energy barrier that acts as a repellent between the two twins. This is really why separation happens.
This is why it is crucial that twins work on themselves to eliminate or transmute their negative energy and heal. And they need to uplift their frequency, via the high-vibrational emotions.
It’s true that in order to reach Union, you have to get consistent with your inner work. Like anything really worthwhile, it takes determination and perseverance. But believe me, I can confirm that the results far outweigh all the effort we put in.
All twin flame pairs set out to achieve Union before incarnating, though they knew that Union here in 3D would be dependant on the state of their vibration. So it was never a guaranteed thing. They have to do the inner work to elevate their state.
In the process, a twin will get a lot of self-awarenesd as you mention.
People who did not make the agreement to meet their twin on 3D Earth also are called to work on themselves, since all souls want to learn lessons and thus grow and evolve.
However, for us who did meet our twin, this learning and personal ascension is very much an?accelerated?one. This is the big difference with all the rest of the population. We get to do the inner work in a relatively short time which for other people takes decades or even lifetimes to acomplish.
If your twin passed away on 3D Earth, they are now in a higher dimension. But your TF Journey continues. You are still called to elevate your state as much as you can, and to keep in contact and have interaction with your twin. Since Union is always an?energetical phenomenon,?not limited by the physical, you can still achieve Union with your twin. There are TF couples who have achieved inter-dimensional Union after one of the twins passed away.
Wishing you all the best on your Journey!