..."COMMODITY SUPPER CYCLE"? Most likely yes, as many nonconventional financial analysts and experts have been warned lately. But why is that? And how is it going to affect us?all?

Since the meltdown of 2008, Central Banks, especially the FED have?been printing fiat money (things from the Wonderworld in between?real and fake), just with a few clicks of computer bottoms and jamming into the economy, buying all kinds of corporate & government debt, buying real state mortgages (the corporate have been more the riskier, tough), rolling overnight huge amounts of repo market (cash moving back and forth between banks, a suppose signal of normalcy), buying big corp stocks (Face, Intel, Microsoft, Google, Exxon, Cocacola etc) & propping up the markets that were supposed to be crashing. It is all a game of mirrors.?It is not normally common to see the stock market averaging up at the same time that the bond market is dropping in values or yield (there is an inverse relationship between the quantity of bond buyers and sellers and yield)??

This is the FED buying the stock, and especially 2 and 10 yrs Treasury bonds, bringing the yield down in the middle of a quickfire (which is unusually volatile lately), to give the appearance of some stability in the markets and avoid more contagious Bank Runs avoiding a market freeze due to panic. The FED has a trading desk in NY that is one of their main trading offices. "Outside-of-the-Official-Public-Balance-Sheets," (what was not supposed to be known) they are buying everything they possibly can.?So they do not spook the market because in this way it is "invisible"(i.e., that the yields rising). We only see the Treasury 10yr bond yield dropping while (unexpectedly) it was supposed to be rising. With this the market feels comfortable... thinking the market is stable although the elite is smart and have already set up short positions, Put Options strategies and all kinds of other tricks read to go off when they or the AI computer pushes the bottom. It is all a game folks, in which the small individuals got slammed (again). It can happen at any second...

In the past 2 months, the FED injected into to global financial system US$500 billion (and it will rise to well over a Trillion, as necessary), many times more than they said they would, in opposite, tighten to secure inflation down, which they were?unsuccessful to accomplish (but on the Official Balance Sheet they fantasize that the tightening was happening on at least till early March). Remember that there is the official and non-official FED Balance Sheets. By logic, when you have more money chasing after fewer goods (money supply or flow), it generates inflation (Economics 101), and pumping even more money into the world markets is highly inflationary, if not worse.?So, do not expect inflation to go down anytime soon around the world and be prepared for oil prices to sept significantly higher, which will affect hundreds of millions of people. It is likely that it will be a historical very complex year including the war in North Europe (ramping to instill a WWIII), the energy shortages in the US as frequently raised by Jim Rickards and the devastating Climate Crisis the will be unfolding across the globe...

Am not a financial adviser and am not recommending anything but to be protected one could consider buying gold, silver, copper, oil, and other commodities. Money does not disappear, it moves from one asset to the other that is more attractive at the time. And commodities might be the major often. Cryptocurrencies might also be a good alternative to the upcoming Central Banks Digital Currency (CBDC), as we have seen rising lately.

The smartest in the known, many of them who created financial problems, are already moving around and again should make a lot of money.?

#CBDC #fed #fedbanlancesheet #bankrun #bondyields #shortsale #fiatmoney #commodities #commoditysupercycle #gold #silver #oil #centralbankdigitalcurrency #centralbanks #ECB #BoE #liquidity #moneyflows #moneysupply



