We never lack resources, we always lack resourcefulness!

We never lack resources, we always lack resourcefulness!

This is the story of two children, one has full of resources & another one has full of resourcefulness.

The First Child’s name is Rishi & Second Child’s name is Ravi.

Sunrise, birds started singing their beautiful voice to welcome the sunrise, baby sitter came and woke the child. Rishi woke up and started his daily routine activities and ready for going to school. The driver started blowing the car’s horn because time came to go to school for Rishi, He came immediately and went to school.

Rishi was 10-year-old. Studying in the 5th standard. He had one best friend name, Ravi. Rishi and Ravi are the partner in the crime in school. Ravi was the class topper & Rishi was the intermediate in studying.

Ravi’s day was started with selling newspapers with his father because his family’s financial condition was not so good, but still, he was a bright & intelligent kid. Ravi always helps his best friend Rishi in their academics and with the help of Ravi, Rishi managed to get first-class marks.

Also, Rishi & Ravi played most of the time at Rishi’s big mansion.

Rishi was more Dependent on His family’s decision and Ravi was more dependent on his environmental influence.

The short story fast…

Both Rishi & Ravi studied together till 12 standards and then Rishi went to the USA for further studies and Ravi studied in a local college.

After completing the foreign Education Rishi came back to India & started helping his father’s business. On the other side, Ravi was getting his job to help his family.

Rishi & Ravi met often after Rishi came back to India. Rishi offers Ravi to work in his father’s business, but Ravi said no. Because he was exploring lots of other domains and also, he just started his job and he wanted some experience in that domain, so.

Ravi was hustling in his career and exploring & experimenting with everything he could. And on the other side, Rishi was quite confident in his work, and his father constantly helping and guiding in his business journey.

After few years of Hustle, Ravi decided to take a big step in his career and started his own business with all of the savings he had.

One shiny afternoon, Rishi and Ravi met near the lake part chilling and discussing his works and life. Ravi told Rishi that he started his own business and Rishi was very happy with Ravi’s growth. And Rishi told Ravi that if he required any financial support just call me. I will be there for you always.

Rishi was a little worried on that day, so Ravi asked why he looked worried. He said that my father wanted to retire and he wants me to be the owner of his business and took all responsibility. And I am quite worried that am I capable enough to handle that all responsibility?

Ravi gave assurance to Rishi that don’t worry, you are capable and you learned everything after taking responsibility just believe in yourself.

Short Story faster,

After few years, Ravi got the jackpot in his business and expanding his business in the USA with foreign partners, and immediately Ravi became a millionaire. And now Ravi felt proud and a little emotional too, because when he selling newspaper door to door, he imagined that one day he owned a business and manifesting to become rich and now his dream become reality.

He organized a little celebration party at his newly owned farmhouse. He invited his close relatives and friends. Rishi was also invited.

Ravi asked Rishi that how was your business going after you become the owner. Rishi felt disappointed and said that I made a big loss because I did the deal with the wrong person and he did fraud with me. And I was in depression. Ravi felt sorry for Rishi’s situation, gave some positive words that everything will be fine.

After seeing the success of Ravi, Rishi is very happy for Ravi, because he saw Ravi from becoming rags to riches. Also, he was a little envious of Ravi’s success in a positive manner.

He (Ruishi) thought that

I had all the resources for business but Ravi didn’t have.

I had my father who guided me but Ravi didn’t have proper guidance.

I had the money for business but Ravi didn’t have…..And these thoughts made Rishi a little envious of Ravi.

In the end, Ravi gave the little speech,

“Thank you all for coming to this party it means a lot to me…!

When I was selling door-to-door newspapers with my father, I decided that one day I never worked for money by becoming rich.

I also always felt helpless when I lost my father and didn’t provide him proper medical assistance because it was too expensive.

These all struggle and hustle made me humble and provide me enough motivation to achieve what I wanted.

You all are an integral part of my journey & today I appreciate you all and giving credit to you all who are present here. And especially my mom who taught me humility and never to be greedy.

Thanks again, cheers & enjoy the party.”


1) Resources vs Resourcefulness:

We all in our life deep down fighting with resources (i.e. Money, People, etc.) & resourcefulness (i.e. Motivation, emotion, courage, etc.). majority of us always overestimate resources and underestimate resourcefulness.

We think that,

?I don’t have money, so I cannot start a business,

I don’t have a rich family, so I cannot be rich,

I don’t have the right people, so I cannot be successful…!

We always blame our life for not having enough resources. But deep down we all know that,

?It is not money that stops us, it is courage that stops us.

It is not a rich family that stops us from becoming rich, it is a poor mindset that stops us.

It is not people that stop us from becoming successful, it is lack of motivation that stops us from becoming what we wanted to be.

In short,

We are the hurdle of our own growth, no one else.

“You can worry about what you don’t have or started working with what you have to get what you want!”

We are not lacking the resources, we always lack the resourcefulness…!

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