We Need Your Support of our Summer Fund Drive
San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity
Our vision: A San Gabriel Valley and a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
It's officially summer and we are wrapping up our summer fund drive and we need your help to change lives!
With longer days and warmer weather, summer is one of our busiest building seasons. And yet in the summer months, donations often decline just when we need your support the most... Right now, there are families in the San Gabriel Valley who are in desperate need of a decent place to live.
Your gift today won't just help build houses. You will build foundations that change lives and transform communities. Are you ready to make positive changes for hard-working families?
Brenda, Gerardo and their three children, Samuel (12), Alessandra (10), and Esmeraldo (6), have resided in a back house in Los Angeles for 10 years. The limited living and sleeping space paled in comparison to the fear of their rent increasing year after year or that the home would be sold.
“The day that Laura (Director of Programs at SGV Habitat) called to tell us that our application was accepted I cried with joy, and I haven’t stop crying since,” Brenda said, tears in her eyes remembering the day. “We kept praying and praying. It was such an overwhelming and amazing feeling,” Brenda continued her voice breaking with emotion.
After being accepted into the SGV Habitat homeownership program, Brenda and Gerardo, for the first time felt that the dream of owning their own home would become a reality.?After years of searching for an affordable home, only to be left with a feeling of despair, they finally felt hopeful. Homeownership means that Brenda and Gerardo will finally have the security and stability they have desired for so many years.
Becoming a Habitat homeowner is truly life-changing! By offering a hand up - not a hand out - we help families achieve a dream they never thought possible. They will become homeowners!
Your gift will help us purchase construction materials to finish homes under construction and build more homes this year. Help us make this summer a bright one for more local families!