We need you to slow down.

We need you to slow down.

Have you fallen for the toxic productivity trap? Hustle culture – rising early, working late, and downing energy drinks to stay on top of it all – may be pitched as the road to a better life. But in reality, it's a fast track to burnout.

This week, we want you to slow down, do less and feel better.

  • Reset: Tap into your calming control center ??
  • Move: But make it slow
  • Prioritize: Take our multitasker personality test
  • For kids: Unlock their inner superhero ??

3 exercises to calm you in less than 10 minutes

Before going any further, we know you have a lot happening. So, let's take a minute to slow things down by dialing into your calming control center – the vagus nerve.

Try the 3 quick exercises in this audio tool to break the stress cycle.

When it comes to your training, fast isn’t always best

For exercise to work, it must be fast, furious and sweaty, right? Not so, erm, fast! Slowing down can actually have big benefits for your mind and body.

'Slow fitness' is a growing trend that takes in training styles such as LISS, Pilates and yin yoga. It can help reduce stress, improve sleep and – bonus! – unlock new levels of strength.

How? Discover all of the ways slower can lead to stronger, and try slow workouts from the Centr experts.

What type of multitasker are you?

It's official: if you're multitasking, you're not being productive. You're just doing multiple things poorly.

But before you can fix your 'multitasking' habit, you need to know your multitasker type. Are you…

1. The Avoidant

You work on multiple things because the truly important task makes you anxious.

2. The Collector

You get so excited by new ideas that other tasks gather dust.

3. The Social Addict

Forever scrolling and waiting for the rush of a new notification.

4. The Always On

Even during downtime, you've got at least one eye on work.

5. The Rock Star

You thrive under pressure and love to juggle tasks.

Found yourself among our multitasker mugshots? Discover what you need to do to snap out of this productivity black hole.

Be brave with Chris Hemsworth

The pressure of a hectic life isn't just a challenge for grown-ups – kids can feel it, too. Help your little ones find their inner courage and overcome obstacles with Chris's Be Brave meditation.

Hit play for a pint-sized superhero boost. We reckon you'll get something out of it as well!



