We need an umbrella of protection!
Melissa Cuturich
Empowering Change: Founder of DIVA Enterprises | LIFE Advocate & Author | Innovator in Finance & ID Protection | Speaker on Fairness, Equality & Resilience | LIFE Guard Blueprints for Women | Niche Finance Broker
Imagine LIFE as an umbrella, a canopy sheltering us from the elements, ensuring we navigate our journey with a semblance of security and comfort. The structure of this umbrella, like our lives, is composed of four primary elements – Love, Identity, Finance, and Emotions, each representing a vital strut, each working in harmony to keep the integrity of the umbrella intact.
Love serves as the central pole, holding the entire structure upright. It's the axis around which everything else revolves, whether it's love for a person, ourselves, or a possession. Love fuels our motivations and drives our actions, both virtuous and sometimes, regrettably, less so. It somehow always involves some sort of Love regardless of the content or true meaning.
Next, we have Identity – the individual struts supporting the canopy. Our identity is multifaceted, often reshaped to conform to societal expectations, to find a sense of belonging or acceptance. Whether it manifests as a forceful independence or quiet submission, our identity strut gives our umbrella shape, direction, and purpose. Let’s not forget the documents that are attached to you, proving you exist, an added strut that you hope is not compromised.
Then we have Finance, another essential strut supporting our umbrella. It exists regardless of its origin, be it earned or gifted. Just as each strut is essential for the umbrella to keep its form and function, finance, too, is an unavoidable element of life, a necessity to meet our needs and desires. This portion has many elements to it and should be simple, but it is often a multi-layered manufactured rod.
Finally, there are our Emotions. They're the canvas that forms the canopy of our umbrella, reflecting the multitude of feelings that colour our lives. Emotions dictate our reactions and decisions, shaping the fabric of our existence. They are the only thing you are left with in any situation, and only you can feel their impact entirely.
Together, these elements – Love, Identity, Finance, and Emotions – form the structure of our LIFE umbrella. However, amidst the protective shelter of this umbrella, storms often brew. These storms are the manipulations, the machinations, and the misuse of power by individuals in positions of authority, like within the banking sector. They're the gusts of wind that threaten to turn our umbrella inside out, the downpours that seek to drench us despite our protective canopy.
They employ systems meant for protection, turning them into weapons of coercion. Evidence of their wrongdoings evaporates, leaving the affected individuals powerless, struggling to prove their innocence.
Life's weather isn't perpetually sunny. Rain and storms are inevitable, but within these turbulent times, we must strive to maintain the integrity of our umbrella to shield ourselves from the ill intentions of those who misuse their power. Whether driven by uncontrolled greed or the thrill of a power trip, they breach the trust we place in them, leaving us exposed to their manipulative whims.
Protection is necessary, but not only from the discernible threats. We need to safeguard ourselves from those we've entrusted to shield us. The elements of LIFE – Love, Identity, Finance, and Emotions – shouldn't become tools for manipulators to exploit.
This umbrella of LIFE is our sanctuary, our stronghold. We need to ensure that its struts remain firm, its canvas robust. We must not allow the storms of manipulation to damage its structure or mar its integrity. We control our umbrella, our narrative. We must ensure it serves its purpose – to shield us, to protect us, not to leave us exposed and vulnerable to the harsh storms of coercion and manipulation. After all, LIFE is about our resilience, our fortitude, and our ability to weather any storm that comes our way.
But how many more lessons do we as a society need before we educate ourselves on the many ways we can keep everyone accountable?
Since 2017 various organisations have been privy to many solutions to prevent internal maladministration and manufactured circumstances that are not monitored efficiently. They were all rejected due to the timing of their own economic investigation they deemed as storms.
A futuristic approach and concept that was too advanced for this time in question was the feedback; however, it would have prevented the lightning attacks we witness now. The cyclone of data hacks threatening all of us, and we have to weather the storm and wait weeks or months before knowing when the cyclone will hit, and we find our privacy exposed in the darkest corners of the web.
Perhaps it was introduced to the wrong cohort, and the real reason was that many departments would lose either they would not receive more funding for research and development (of something already. introduced) or they would lose too much money if exposed. I am certain we would all want to be compensated if our umbrella was intentionally violated.
There is no pretty way to describe the actual truth about professional coercion and controlled fraud amongst our largest organisations. The devastation caused and the crimes that are committed, because if it were you or I, we would be prosecuted. Instead, many are left vulnerable and exposed to the elements.
There is so much we can do, and it begins by wanting to learn about the things not taught or ever exposed.
Our LIFE is our umbrella - a shield, a protector, a symbol of our resilience. It's time we regain control of our umbrella, ensuring it is a reflection of our strength, not a tool for others' manipulation. Because ultimately, LIFE, like an umbrella, is there to protect us, giving us the power to face and conquer the trials that come our way. It's about celebrating our autonomy, our resilience, and our unyielding ability to dance in the rain.