Leader is a term over abused, many times we heard this terms but, what it really Mean?!
I would like to give you my personal idea e thinking about the leadership;
First of all, we need to discuss about the concept of Hierarchy inside the business, more often the companies try (you have read well, TRY) to create a system of collaboration and where there’s no difference between the persons but, most of the times it doesn’t work, because the people are not ready to manage their-self first, and some others in a second step; the hierarchy is not a limit for the flow of work or it’s not a limit for the creativity, but it can be a support.
Think about TOYOTA, To understand Toyota’s success, you have to unravel the paradox—you have to see that the rigid specification is the very thing that makes the flexibility and creativity possible (from Decoding the DNA of Toyota Production System - Steven Spear - HBR ). There’s a specific training in TOYOTA about Leader and, right or wrong, the results talk by itself - A leader should coordinate and keep engage the Team on the target and give them support every time they need to.
Another example about Leadership and management of the hierarchy coming from the Special corps like Col Moschin (ITA) Navy Seal (USA); Special forces in every country are the BEST in term of performance, they are the excellence in their field, and what's interesting is that during the activity in field there’s a clear chain of command, but when they move to the debrief, anyone in the room can share their idea, proposal or comment;
What the Leader doing in this case: Listen, make question, evaluate, comment, share, and support.
MARCHIONNE ones said "you can have a meeting with all your staff, but when the time to decide coming, a leader is alone."
In Difficult moment like this, a system the hierarchy guided by a define a strong Leader give to the people more stability; think about all the European Government, it doesn’t matter the country, but this instability about who do what, rules, permission, who lockdown who only partially, are creating an huge mass of communication and give the freedom to the people to do what they think to be understand.
This is not leader, this people that are just in the highest position the “management”but they have not the characters of the Leader.
Back to our small and medium Industry, we are in an era where most of the companies are in the middle of the generational change and, because its not enough, Virus are Economic recession push the system in one of toughest period in the last 40yrs
Then it’s the time to test, test the ability to guide the companies and sustain people and business in order to move over and the WAR.
The Leader must talk with their people about the difficult topics and issue, because they must have the courage to talk, work and change in better the situation.
Finally, what a Leader MUST DO:
- Engage
- Motivate
- Take the final decision
- Support the team emotionally and physically
- Improve his/her knowledge everyday
- Be a visionary
- Be positive
- Talk less, listen more, DO every time
- Be and Example
Do you know someone can be called Leader?
Do you are a Leader?
#wtco #giusepperavazzolo #leadership #ready #people #credibilità #coerenza