We need Tiwari. Whole lot of Tiwaris'.

This is my colleague Mr. Dharmendra Tiwari. Bought up in the midst of a complete Mohammedan community of old Hyderabad, Tiwari ji seems as a strange combination – a staunch Hindu character by upbringing and a Nizami-styled Hyderabad Hindi language. His typical Hyderabadi Hindi, his innocence amazes me. 'Tumae' for 'tum' (you) and 'baatan' for 'baat' (speech) never fails to amuse me in our every interaction.

I still recollect first day when we had met. I could only hear him for a long time from inside a cold room maintained at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. I went inside, a bit hesitating. Tiwari ji was deep inside a packing box setting the cool packs for an upcoming shipment. I could barely see him. I moved out and choose to wait outside. Truth be told, I could not stand the temperature - almost around 3 to 4 degrees, so had no option but to move out. A minute more, and my brain would have stopped working! Around 10 minutes later, having made the packing box ready, there emerged a bespectacled, circular-faced, almost child-like cute looking, slightly centrally bald-haired gentleman, adjusting his trouser over his oversized tummy, with his hands-free blue-tooth permanent around his neck and pods tug inside his ears as he received calls after calls. He gestured & requested me for 10 more minutes to take care of some urgent matters. In those 10 minutes, Tiwari ji - ranged up the back office for some instructions, called up the Airport office relating to the shipment, gave his piece of mind to some fellow on the phone for poor service all this while doing some chores. After around 30 minutes of one-to-one discussions between us, we were done for the time being. Tiwari ji went inside the cold room again, completed the packing of the cargo as required, made the documentation and entries in some register, took to the Material Handling Equipment, and with some assistance from a fellow security guard loaded the cargo in the reefer, all of this by himself. I was new to the organisation, but still wondered, if this is normal!

From the cold room, we went back to the office. Settled in the office and along with a couple of other colleagues, we had another round of elaborate discussion on actions to be completed & our timelines. In the entire discussion for every single action point, the responsibility of actual groundwork lay with Mr. Tiwari. At this moment, I was really starting to wonder, if this is going to really be completed by this one man, taking care of his day-to-day operational responsibilities. Or is this just a showcase of how responsibility gravitates to the person with response-ability while the rest are happy that nothing has come onto their shoulders! or perhaps they were saving themselves for the coffin, the ultimate journey of our bodies, that we all have to go through!

In the evening that day, we were in the office. Everybody was deeply busy in their work immersed in their 14-inch screens or over phone calls. I was also in a similar state. I overheard some conversation in typical Hyderabadi Hindi and could not help but smile from ear to ear. Office atmosphere can be fun at times! I was struggling with some modifications in a word document. Tiwari ji was sitting just beside me. He asked me what the issue is. I was stuck with how to get a particular symbol in a Microsoft word document. I was trying hard to locate it in the 'Insert - Symbols' dialogue box within MS Word, and promptly came the workaround from Mr. Tiwari - 'Just google for it, locate it, copy & paste in your word document'. Bingo!!! Done!!! Amused, I looked at Tiwari ji. I have always felt that the world is full of dumb idiots as I met so many of them, and here I was looking at this holy creature. Could not help but wonder, what he must be thinking about me!

Later that evening Tiwari received a call from some perspective customer for a certain shipment inquiry. He promptly attended it and promised to get back in 5 minutes. Meantime, he called up some colleagues, got the idea about the cost, did some math, and returned the call to the customer. He not only confirmed the order but got the final confirmation of the booking as well. I was awe-struck by how quickly all this happened. I meekly also raised a concern with Tiwari,?- 'Don't you think the cost quoted to the customer is too high?'. Tiwari explained to me - the electricity bill for running a cold room, diesel generator backup, all ultra-modern security systems & CCTV cameras, temperature monitoring, automatic excursion alarms & SMS alerts, and even my visit as a quality auditor, all these costs are going to show up somewhere!

That night, on our way back, I could not get an Ola. Tiwari ji droped me half the way on his two-wheeler, all the while talking to somebody on phone over his bluetooth and planning for tomorrows' shipments.

Child like innocence of this gentleman goes beyond the looks. Having spent years as working professionals we can easily say something which benefits us and like wise conceal that which may be perceived to be detrimental to our interests. Honest to the core, Tiwari struggles big time in this area. Probably this is indicative of – as one thing is the way everything is. Honesty cannot be selective, neither can be crookedness.

Tiwari can be seen as a metaphor of honest dedicated employee. There are these Tiwari's in every organisation. They are the ones who actually make the organisations' function. Rest are what may be called the paper tigers or the Big Mouths. While you may have to search for a Tiwari, Big mouths will create a lot of froth around, making them difficult to miss. Away from the corporate hierarchy where everybody is just passing on the instructions, Tiwari’s are the real soldiers with foot on the ground. We need them. A whole lot of them.

Having more than 22 years of experience in the industry, I strongly believe in the Hindu concept of Karma, and the authority of Shani, the Karma-fal-data. A simplified version of this is 'As you sow so shall you reap', I have experienced the truth of this. So, the big mouths' froth does not bother me, nor does the lack of luster of the organisational Tiwaris. Everybody will eventually be where they should be.

But one thing for sure! the organisations which are able to retain Tiwaris will be better-off in the long run!!!


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