We need to talk about workplace burnout
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The employee management platform that connects everything a business needs from field to office, all in one place.
How attentive do you need your employees to be while they’re working??
From line cooks to financial advisors, a mistake on the job could lead to injuries, a company reorganization or severe financial consequences.
Overworking can be detrimental to your business. People are working more hours than ever before and are able to afford less with what they earn. More time at the workplace (or workplaces) means less time for family, adding more stress to the situation—let alone time leftover to relax and recharge before returning to work the next day.
We are living in a burnout epidemic, and it’s up to employers to fix it. Our working assumption is that times are tight and you can’t just pay people more, so we want to give you some low-cost— even cost-saving—solutions that help prevent burnout.
Are burnout and exhaustion the same thing?
When you think about what burnout is, how would you describe it? Exhaustion from being overworked? Mental and/or physical distress? Perhaps cynicism and impatience at work?
The real source of burnout lies in the inability to actually get your job done.?
For example, doctors experience burnout from running out of time in the day to care for patients because they’re too busy filling out insurance paperwork and logging hours. Restaurant managers experience burnout from doing inventory, payroll and staff onboarding.
As Rogé Karma told the New York Times:
“The problem is not simply individuals being overworked, but the disconnect between our moral beliefs, our sense of purpose, our identity on the one hand, and the reality of our jobs on the other hand.”?
Basically, you became a doctor because you wanted to help people but the reality is you do menial paperwork tasks. You work in hospitality because you like to show people a good time but in reality, you’re doing inventory and answering complaint emails.
Take a look at how your employees are spending their work day and look at their job description. Are they consistently unable to get through their to-do list? All these small tasks end up taking up the time they were supposed to “do the job” with. This is an organizational problem, not the employee’s problem.
Can burnout lead to depression?
The World Health Organization includes burnout in the International Classification of Diseases. Though burnout is an “occupational phenomenon” and depression is a diagnosis, there are some parallel symptoms.
Both burnout and depression can affect sleep, energy or appetite. One notable mutual symptom is anhedonia: the inability to enjoy activities you used to enjoy. These are all signs to keep an eye out for if you are concerned about your employees.
A lot of workplaces talk about caring for employees' health and mental health, but oftentimes the job itself leads to burnout.
If your employees seem slightly depressed at work, make time to check in and see what their situation is and how to help. It can be a check-in over chat or setting up a one-on-one coffee hour.
How employers can reduce burnout
Simplifying your workplace can make a big difference to your team.?
With 69% of remote workers reporting increased burnout from digital communication tools. Consolidating several of your everyday software into one means less toggling and getting distracted and more focused time on tasks.
Encourage employees struggling with burnout to set boundaries like turning off chat or email notifications at certain hours. Even something as simple as muting notifications so they aren’t constantly pulled out of tasks midway.
Perhaps there are tasks team members regularly dread, like a difficult client or a busy Friday lunch service. Schedule some time (maybe 5-15 minutes) before and after to help them collect themselves before the task and to relax right after.
All jobs have some tasks no one wants to do, but acknowledging that by offering rewards shows appreciation and recognition for getting those tasks done. These rewards are often low-cost ways of keeping and retaining staff. Consider having prizes like spa vouchers or other things to help people relax.?
Save your business money and save your team time. Consolidate your everyday workplace software in one place with modzee including communication and rewards. Start a free trial today.