We need to put the false assumption that engineered timber buildings are unsafe to rest, says Dr Mary Hardie at WSU
See Fifth Estate link and Youtube.

We need to put the false assumption that engineered timber buildings are unsafe to rest, says Dr Mary Hardie at WSU

The tragic Grenfell fire has sparked a lot of commentary. Some of it informed. It is clear that the issues surrounding illegal building materials, non-conforming building work and poor maintenance will be well ventilated in the coming months and years ahead. An article in the Fifth Estate puts the use of timber in buildings in perspective. There are however risks, just as there are with traditionally constructed buildings using steel and concrete. The challenge will be to see what regulators will do to insist on greater integrity being applied to construction standards, certifications and maintenance.

See Fifth Estate Article:


Developing and encouraging modern constructors to understand the high importance of maintaining public confidence in the 'built world' is a challenge for our transforming industry. It is alarming that a succession of governments have pandered to the pressures of self-interest by dumbing down standards, compliance requirements and lessening the accountability of those who have thumbed the interests of the public. The UK now faces a huge remedial task to address buildings that do not comply and legal action. Often the original parties who should be responsible will no-longer be around to be held to account. This problem is exacerbated when multiple jurisdictions come into play.

The Leaky Buildings problems in New Zealand show how tax payers are left to foot hefty bills to make good when the original perpetrators have long disappeared or lack the financial means to make good. The same situation is playing out in the ACT and near NSW regions as the work of Mr Fluffy and hundreds of roof spaces that were filled with asbestos now need to be knocked down. More tax payer expense and no perpetrator accountability. These problems have their root cause in illegal materials, non-compliant work and lousy supervision by the relevant authorities of the day.

Add to these woes the predicament of unsuspecting owners and occupiers who have had their lives thrown into turmoil and for most, the loss of possessions and asset value. Spare a thought for the owners of the Lacrosse apartments in Melbourne who have been issued orders to make their building compliant - the costs in the millions. All the while the multi-parties involved point fingers to apportion or avoid blame and the suffering owners are asset locked in properties that would value-down and see their equity destroyed. For the banks who have loaned against these properties, they must surely be looking at a new class of financial risk and loan impairment. Watch this space.


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