We need more TOOL and Tackle boxes and way less Xboxes
Vance Barton
The future it is not something we enter it is something we create . Build it and they will come. Our fields our dreams.
Hello friends,
YPUMM Youth Project Using Mentors Mini-bikes YPUMM is a? therapeutic recreation? model that is wholly integrative, can stand alone,?or be collaborative . Participating youth involved are at-risk, or have already been exposed?to the juvenile justice system for issues like delinquency, criminal behavior, substance?abuse, truancy, or gang activity.?
Youth that are at-risk including those who have been assigned community-based services?need promising approaches and adult support as they move towards their own successful?and productive adulthood. Many of these youth – both male and female - have?experienced poverty, unstable family circumstances, violence in their communities, and?failure in school, behavioral problems, trauma and a lack of positive role models.?
Proven to fix things and cure kids YPUMM and NYPUM and? Honda ? The power of Dreams .??Hoping and praying that @Honda , @John Deere Dubuque works , Kawasaki , KTM ,Yamaha , Suzuki , Gas Gas TM or Artic Cat , Polaris or Husqvarna will step up to support YPUMM Scott Summers and myself Rev Vance Barton directly.?
The Power of Dreams? on our Trails of Dreams . The field of dreams in Iowa was originally a place where I used to meet the nicest people on Honda trail? 50s ,70s ,MR50s and XR75s . Yamaha GT<DT>YZ80s Suzuki DR RM TM 80s ?Kawasaki KE KX 80s Happy go lucky kids from my city and county of Dubuque in the great state of Iowa .. I am grateful and thankful to the parents who adopted me. They helped me and let me become one of those mini-bike kids .
My mother was an occupational therapist and my father was a psychologist and Director of Dubuque-Jackson county mental health . I think its important to tell the story how I got a minibike when my family moved to Dubuque . My father previously was a director at Woodward home for boys in the early 70s
It was a Sunday. Church and then family picnic time. My Dad and I were fishing , I was catching huge Green Frogs by flipping lilly pads . My Dad showed me how it was done and I was having a blast showing them to my big sister and my Mom . My Dad was on call with no cell phones pagers or carrier pigeons to alert my father . An Iowa state patrolman found us and took my Dad to his work that afternoon . A 12 year old boy whose father was killed in Vietnam and his mother had a stroke a year later and passed away was placed at Woodward . Not a nice place https://www.justice.gov/crt/investigation-woodward-state-resource-center-and-glenwood-state-resource-center-iowa The boy had climbed the water tower there and my father was asked to talk him down .
The boy was placed there by DHS he had an Aunt and an Uncle they failed to locate who lived two blocks from the boys home . My Mother shielded my Sister and I from what was happening as she watched my dad from the hot car we sat in . After hours and hours it is not clear whether the boy jumped or slipped and fell as he tried to climb down but he fell and lost his life . My Dad was never the same afterward .He felt responsible for a life never lived . Soon after the incident we moved from Urbandale to Dubuque . I never knew why at the time. I was the pitcher on my fast pitch baseball team and had lots and lots of friends .
In Dubuque my mom did her best to console me and signed me up for T-ball aaarrghhh fast pitch here was not an option for 8 year olds I was depressed and lonely I sat in a nice new house on Hillcrest rd - no neighbors - no kids - no houses nearby. Nothing to do . No one to play with . My older sister not an option . One day I heard some noise outside it . It sounded like a swarm of bees . Some bigger older kids on minibikes , dirt bikes , motorcycles were whooping and hollering woot woot . A pack , a gang , a swarm of them. A big family of boys and even a girl . I watched them ride on the trails they had made past our house for weeks on end and then school finally started .
They used to ask in second grade "what do you want to be when you grow up "1976 everything was red white and blue even the space shuttle was painted. I told my teacher I wanted to be Evel Knevel and she laughed at me and told me to pick something else , A doctor like my dad or a fireman or ??? Bullshit I am sure I cried on the way home . That next day my Mom took me to school. told the teacher to not tell any child what they can or cant do or become in life .. I had to pay half $309.45 My Dad the other so $618.90 and I had a brand new yellow Yamaha YZ80 that Ion average per count nationwide is learned to ride by pop starting it down the hill in my front yard .
couch and chair therapy throughout history is not working . The cost to our society.?238 billion in 2020 Mental and health care costs .?Looking at the total amount of state mental health expenditures in each state, California has the highest amount with $6,762,808,997 dedicated to mental health spending. The state with the second highest amount of mental health expenditures is New York, with almost 2 billion dollars less allocated than California: $4,952,100,000. Other states with over 1 billion dollars allocated towards mental health spending include Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Arizona, Michigan, Texas, Maryland, Ohio, and Minnesota. As you can see, this list of states includes a variety of sizes and population, showing that the total amount of spending by state isn’t necessarily dependent on the size of the state.
The 5 states with the lowest total amounts of state mental health expenditures all have less than $100 million dollars dedicated towards mental health spending. These states are Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. Idaho has the lowest total amount of state mental health expenditures with $59,200,000 annually.
Prescribing dirt and a mini-bike as an incentive or tool to? youth 10 to 17 nationwide ..This is what riding a dirt bike does for these kids .?
?These results have shown an annual variation of only +/-five points over six years .
Increased self confidence 100%?
Increased Self Respect 100%?
Improved School Attendance 82%?
Improved Grades 85%?
Increased Respect for Others 100%?
Increased Self Assurance 97%?
Improved Study Skills 69%?
Improved Family Relations 69%?
Improved Teacher Relations 65%?
Development of Mentor Skills 85%?
Increased Acceptance for Racial Differences 81%
I have an update on my new partnership and our field of dreams. Trails of Dreams .
I happily announce a partnership with Scott Summers . American Motorcycle Association hall of fame member and 4 time GNCC national champion and his wife Amanda and I are planning on starting a private outdoor club catering mostly to dirt bikers and all youth 10 to 17 years old Our military veterans as well as active military will be invited to Scott and Amanda's little piece of paradise in Northern Ky. This property has a rich history in that 3 people who lived and trained here went on to become overall champions at the highest level of GNCC racing.
Our vision now is to create a premium recreational facility with maybe 10 miles of mostly single track trails, a natural terrain mellow motocross track, and a grass track. For now it wouldn’t have all the ideal amenities but they could certainly be added over time. It would be for day use only, no camping yet. The trails would be one way and well marked for level of difficulty. For now there won’t be any RV hookups and the only restrooms will be either an outhouse or a Porta-Potty.
However once we start spending 8 hrs per day making improvements, I believe this place could offer an absolutely amazing experience all within 30 minutes of downtown Cincinnati.
Our vision is that we provide a pristine place to ride quality scenic trails with extraordinary people. We have learned that the social aspect of riding dirt bikes can be just as fulfilling as the exhilaration aspect of the throttle twisting itself.
We have decide to proceed, and as time and the budget allows, our goal would be to bring additional value added features to our club members like:
1. Convert one of the pole barns into a clubhouse which includes a refrigerator/indoor plumbing,shower laundry etc.
2. Add more level parking areas that are gravel.
3. Create some RV hookups with electric, water, and sewer.
4. Increase trail mileage and quality.
5. Create an awning and maybe a giant front porch on the clubhouse, add picnic tables and grills and make additional functional and aesthetic improvements.
6. Purchase a mini excavator for track and trail maintenance and do upgrades that are thoughtful and sustainable.
7. Construct small rustic cabins for some cool lodging.
8. Sell food which is sourced and prepared locally that is made with love, that not only tastes good but is healthy fuel for your body.
Now having said all of this, we’d like some feedback on whether we should go ahead and proceed on making some improvements and plan on not opening for business until 2022 or beyond, or should we open this year and just let members know that this venture is a work in progress, and if a person or family, joins now they will be guaranteed a spot on our roster and fun can begin this year with the understanding that the best can be yet to come.
We also have considered that building and improving trails can be fun and rewarding and perhaps members might enjoy volunteering to be involved in the process that requires considerable thought and planning so the trails are not only fun and challenging but sustainable and scenic too.
Another bit of feedback we’d like is on the membership fee. Our idea would be to charge members a yearly fee that is reasonable with an additional amount for a family membership.
Now remember this place is 100 acres of breathtakingly beautiful secluded sights nestled in between three ridges with Woolper creek on the southern boundary. The creek is navigable by boat and the Ohio river is about a half a mile downstream. The property has an 85 foot deep well with some awesome clean drinking water available. We have a stocked fishing /swimming pond and both bodies of water have docks. The creek even has a stand up jet ski launching ramp.
We also have a sweet looking bridge that we built in a quaint little spot under some huge sycamore trees where my lovely wife and I got married.
To come and go, we have approximately 1 mile of concrete access roads and even a concrete loading dock.
We’ve been told many times by many people that spending time on this property is therapeutic, and rejuvenating, there is something magical about what a beautiful place can do for the soul. We know there is value in this. Not only do we want to share the good feelings this place gives us but we also want to respect this gift of nature and be good stewards of the land. Over time we want to only make changes that enhance the natural beauty of the place. We also want members that share our appreciation for this place and nature. We also want everybody involved to be safe and responsible and to respect each other and to remember that any activity that is not family friendly will not be tolerated.
We envision putting a ceiling on the number of members we accept so members experiences aren’t diminished by too big of a crowd.
I’ve welcomed hundreds of people to visit this property over the past 25 years but have never opened it up permanently to a limited group of individuals willing to pay for consistent access.
Perhaps now is the time.
A name we thought would be appropriate for this crowd is The Summers “Flying V” Private Outdoor Club.
At the moment these are all just ideas and dreams but with some good feedback, more homework, and some effort maybe we can turn these ideas and dreams into a reality.
We are so excited about all the possibilities of this property being transformed into an amazing playground that has the potential to bring loads of fun to everybody involved for many years to come.
Any thoughts, advice or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.
If you are a good person or if you know any good people in the Northern Ky/ Cincinnati area that might want to share our vision and potentially become an investor or club member, feel free to private message me or leave me your contact info.
A post on facebook from Scott Summers reads .
I have some good news! Shortly after I made my post about our idea my next door neighbor put his property up for sale. This land hasn’t been on the market for over 25 years! We were so excited about this because his place has plenty of level parking area(something we need), an awesome barn and garage for equipment and bike storage, a house that could be the ultimate clubhouse(like something you would see in Colorado). As well as 500 acres that are so picturesque/optimum that when combined with our 100 acres would be even more dreamy. This whole experience with pieces of the puzzle coming together from different places reminds me of Honda’s slogan “The Power of Dreams”, now the challenge lies in coming up with the money to make this acquisition. We need approximately 8 million dollars.
as mentioned in my last post we have thought of many uses for our motorcycle wonderland park but perhaps the most exciting one came from Pastor Vance Barton who saw my last post and shared our vision. Vance is partnering with us and recommended we make our focus starting a NYPUM(National Youth Program using Minibikes)chapter, where we show kids and especially underprivileged or troubled kids, the time of their lives, we open their eyes to how much fun being in nature on a dirt bike can be, we teach them how to ride, take them fishing, or canoeing, or whatever sparks joy in them, and while we have their attention we help them develop things like independence, responsibility, morality, gratefulness, and kindness.
this is a wonderful youth program that I was already familiar with because we held “The National NYPUM Rodeo” on our property years ago.
This program has always been sponsored by Honda(they donate all the bikes) and it has the capacity through mentoring to assist young people in so many ways: mental health, earthing, camaraderie, teamwork, etc.
Our original riding club concept which would encompass many things, would have us organize events that are really fun and things that really help people in the community and make folks proud of us.
Now what we realized after putting our heads together with Pastor Vance is that what we really want to do is even more. We want to create an outdoor recreational therapeutic healing center. A place where anybody, but especially under privileged youth,or at risk youth,or adults struggling with mental health, like so many of our veterans, can come and let activities like hiking, fishing, bicycling ,canoeing, dirt biking, and beautiful sight seeing, bring them back to 100 per cent wellness.
Perhaps there is grant money out there somewhere set aside for charitable causes like what we want to accomplish. Or perhaps there are foundations in existence where our mission would help them fulfill their objectives.
I also believe there are individuals or corporations that have funding earmarked for charitable causes that could sponsor us to move us forward because outdoor recreation is therapeutic and healing, and is it not charitable to create an environment for this healing to take place?
All the dreams I mentioned in my previous post would still be a priority however we have just come to understand that our facility can really make an even bigger impact on people that may be dealing with emotional, physical or psychological problems. Such as depression, addiction, anxiety, or PTSD etc.
Pastor Barton my wife and I, absolutely have pure intentions we are not trying to enrich ourselves by pursuing this venture. We are doing this for the love of these activities and for the love of people, we want to duplicate a process that has had such a positive impact on our lives. We are trying to create a special type of environment that is so beautiful, allowing nature to work its wonders.
We believe stress and negative thoughts are the basis for the majority of all medical problems and we know dirt therapy reduces or completely eliminates stress and this can create amazing positive medical and psychological outcomes.
We just need some help with figuring out this funding to make our dreams come true. We don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to greatly expand the size of our therapeutic playground/healing center.
We’ve also come up with a descriptive name for the facility: Petersburg Outdoor Therapy...A place where every flower grows through dirt.
Any ideas/or donations/or help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Scott and Amanda Summers
Rev. Pastor Vance Barton
I am Working for needy and suffering humanity. widow and orphans. please join us. to Continue God's Mission
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