We Need to Improve Indoor Air Quality: Here's Why and How
Senses Akustik
We design with YOU in mind, creating products that bring happiness and productivity to life.
It's the 21st century! We live in a whirlwind of technological advancements. We have LED light bulbs, self-driving cars and buildings as tall as mountains. Even computers can think, yet with all this technology, most of us seldom spare a thought for the quality of the air we breathe.?
Think about it! We spend almost 90% of our time indoors. Buildings are becoming ultra-efficient and highly insulated and what happens is that dirty air gets trapped in and fresh air gets locked out by design and because of this, it becomes extremely difficult for people to focus on their work.
Poor air quality is very uncomfortable. The recirculated air in a building can become toxic. They even have a term for it. It's called Sick Building Syndrome. It can cause chronic headaches, fatigue, and sickness and it's estimated to cost the industries over $60 million a year due to people missing work and reduced productivity.
So, how does this happen? Let's break it down for you. Air is mostly made up of Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Argon (.93%) and Carbon dioxide or CO2, which is only 0.04% of the total volume, but even small amounts of CO2 can negatively impact your ability to think and function. Have you ever had to read a sentence two or three times to understand it? You were probably in a closed space with potentially poor ventilation.
What would happen if instead of breathing this contaminated air, you brought in the perfect amount of fresh, filtered and perfectly conditioned outside air. One study shows that a reduction in CO2 doubles a person's brain function. Healthy buildings can reduce respiratory illnesses by up to 76% by balancing humidity and improving circulation. These simple changes can cut down on airborne diseases and allergies and reduce microbial activity too.
Enough of the WHYs.
It's time for some HOW!
Let natural air in: Open doors and windows frequently. Open air, natural light and temperature all together help to keep the air fresh and rotating.
Do this once a week or fortnightly as time and convenience permit.
Keep your workplace clean: It is no surprise a clean workplace has lower levels of mold, dust, allergens, and contaminants that could spread through the air.
While you're at it, consider using eco-friendly products that do not release harsh chemical compounds into the air.
Get indoor plants: After all, what could be better than using nature's air purifiers? They also look great and make your space more liveable, workable and beautiful.
Dracaena, Garden Mum & Spider Plants are some good options to go for.
Check building materials & furnishings: Pay close attention to the composition of your insulation, carpeting and furniture. They could be the ones releasing small amounts of chemicals into the air. Now you would say, "small amounts" are fine, but it actually is not! Because they sit there and do it for a long period of time, which can cause much damage.
Long story short, avoid using such materials to furnish your office space.
Use air-cleaning devices: Having scrubbers, dehumidifiers and air purifiers are a great way to keep your IAQ at good levels. They also prevent the need to hire professionals.
Replace & sanitise HVAC filters regularly: HVAC systems should be cleaned regularly. Be sure to change the filters from time to time so that the dirty air doesn't get recirculated in your standard air conditioning system.
Healthier indoor air quality should be the most important concern in your workplace because it can make a huge difference by making us feel better and perform at our best. Now imagine the impact it can have on everything?