We need each other
The Greenlee County Economic Development Dept. has compiled the latest list of financial resources available to you during this financial crises.
Disaster relief assistance for all small businesses, even entrepreneurs and sole proprietors is available, but be swift. There is no singular ‘one program’ to heal your specific situation, so please, Do Not Delay.
On a local level go to:
or for up to $2500 through Local First: https://www.localfirstaz.com/small-business-relief-fund?inf_contact_key=1fbd09210f8f93aba8c320444bb3ab03842e902fbefb79ab9abae13bfcb46658
From State of Arizona:
The SBA, Federal programs are here:
Paycheck protection program - https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program-ppp
https://covid19relief.sba.gov/#/ for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan application
A good overview is here:
If you need further assistance please write me [email protected]