We Must Unite to Protect Our Communities and Save Lives
Jeannette Louise Smith
Animal Rights Activist and Founder of No Killing Deer in Arlington, Virginia
I keep a daily log of Covid-19 cases and deaths in my home state of Virginia and Arlington County where I reside. It's absolutely frightening to see the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths rise every day.
I wear a face-covering and practice social distancing while exercising outdoors and to the only store I visit, the grocery store. I wipe down products I buy. I clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches at home. I wash my hands numerous times a day.
Nonetheless, I constantly, ask myself: What more can I do to protect myself, my family, and neighbors from an invisible and deadly disease?
Speaking with friends and relatives across the United States and interacting with surrounding Arlington communities on social media, one topic stands out:
People who have taken the simple CDC recommendation to heart and wear a medical or homemade face-covering outside are frustrated by neighbors who do not wear face-coverings and continue to congregate in numbers at the possible expense of themselves and others.
Citizens who wear face-coverings outside are annoyed because we care deeply about our health and our neighbors. Not wearing a face-covering projects a sense of apathy. We hope everyone will do everything in their power to protect themselves and others.
To reignite the economy and get back to work, we must diligently practice health measures and consistently maintain our individual part to safeguard and not jeopardize one another. The more we ignore simple Covid-19 protection guidelines, the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths will continue to rise, prolonging practical stay at home measures as well as delaying our ability to gradually regain our normal lives.
Wearing a face-covering, practicing social distancing, and doing everything I can possibly do, does not give me a false sense of security and protection. I still worry immensely; the anxiety is overwhelming.
I care for my senior parents, who are in a high-risk group and are under “house arrest.” I feel that if for any reason they contract Covid-19, it will be my fault. It is an enormous burden to bear.
I will continue to do everything I can do to protect my family and community. I hope everyone will do their individual part to save lives.