We must understand why so many children of single mothers don't respect them as they should.
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
Sometimes our children and especially our boys need a man to teach them how to respect their mother. We must do more to love and respect each other. Living in a hateful world makes it hard to learn to love or be loved. But as longs we live we can do our best to reach out and share love with ourselves and others! To often the children of a single mother don't show love or respect for their mother. They blame her for them not having a father in the house. Being a single mother everything falls on you. You are the Bread winner, disciplinarian, cook, house keeper, fix it person and there is not much time for much else. Your children are just children and they don't understand why things turn out the way they do. We must just keep trying to enjoy our lives and hold on to every little bit of love, respect, kindness and joy we can create for ourselves. The more we create the more we can share it with others. Most people in this country and world find it very hard to receive love and give love. Because it is guarded very well so it will be hard to access it right away. Love is so very important for everyone to receive but it is also very hard to bring it into your live. So you must start by loving yourself first and then you can reach out and bring it closer to you until you find those that will want to share their love with you. As human beings we must do all we can to bring love into our lives and take the time to be sure that it is true love. The love that we need must be shared between us and we must know that it is real. Time is the only way to know that you have found the right person. So we must not rush it or create something that isn't there.