We must question all this viciousness, including our own.

We must question all this viciousness, including our own.

If we look at life and human possibilities for choices and behaviors in a very objective manner, we naturally conclude that any kind of segregation, prejudice and bigotry only happens because of a “hidden” agenda, which itself sees a benefit in defending its limited view on life. Bear in mind that, in this case, hidden does not mean a conspiratory scheme, it only implies that, more often than not, most people have no idea why other people or groups do what they do, sometimes not even themselves because they are just parroting what they grew up hearing. 

Anyways, back to the point, certainly, there may be other reasons for people yelling out some stupid, defamatory and obnoxious speeches, but eventually they all converge into the selfish center of “what is in it for me?. What’s the benefit for us?”. 

Why are these questions so relevant?. Basically, because people are oriented towards benefits, gains and results. There is nothing wrong with it because it is part of our cognitive programming, actually this is so tangible that people wouldn’t even get up from their beds if they didn’t see an advantage in doing what they want to do, or ought to do. 

Now, considering this inalienable fact of being moved by rewards, what we should be asking ourselves with a very keen, open and inquisitive mind is, what’s is the benefit for anyone involved in racial divisions, religious fragmentations, social disintegrations, economic estrangement and political partisanism?. 

If we do it, we will get closer and closer to the core of what is behind any individual, or groups, pursuit and, with this understanding, it would be much easier to pinpoint the fallacies, limitations and biased approach behind their beliefs. 

In addition, it is important to understand that, in spite of apparently centuries of evolution on human knowledge, we still remain a very selfish, cruel and violent race. This fact does not aim to dissuade you from being warm, gentle and loving, on the contrary, it compels you to look all around you and acknowledge some inhumane behaviors and, with all your mighty, manifest the goodness, the greatness and decent humanness of your essence. 

Life is already painful with all the poverty, ugliness and meanness that surround us. But this is only perpetuated because very few people are honestly interested in knowing that this nonsense still exists and, most important, why are we so condescending towards it, even at the cost of our freedom, welfare and growth. 

Therefore, let’s stop procrastinating the decision of living a more humane, inspiring and lucid life by bringing to ourselves (myself) the responsibility of changing proactively what is incorrect, abusive and vicious both in ourselves (myself) and in our surroundings so that life reveals its holistic, loving and brotherly essences. (Tadany – 18 08 17)

How to cite this Text: 

Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. We must question all this viciousness, including our own. www.tadany.org ?

#society #behavior #oneness #violence #bigotry #change #newlife#awareness #tadany #love


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