We must know what we want
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Do you remember the last time you wanted something? What were the words you used to express it? Does your communication focus on what you want or what you don't want?
With the increasing awareness of media and the internet, we now have access to all the information we need. We can find out more about our desires and the things we want in life.
But we also know that it becomes challenging if we start comparing our lives and our possessions with what others have. We must remember that someone will always have a better dress, a better house, a better car, better phone or anything else that is important to us.
When we start thinking about what we don't have, it can trigger a series of "Don't Want's" in our loves. This kind of thinking is one of the main reasons why there's a feeling that we lack abundance in our life. When we do this unconsciously again and again, we start telling others what they should have, what they shouldn't have and justify our feelings.
We start playing "Victim mindset" and get a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness. What if you could only focus on what you can control? Life be so easy to manage if there was no pressure to compare our life with others. We would be happier, satisfied and focused on creating our future rather than what we can't control.
When we are start reflecting on what we have accomplished in life, we create opportunities to have more. When we start talking about what we can do, and what's in our control, we will notice a shift in our mindsets and thinking process, and that is really something that can change the game.
Self-Reflection Tips