We must hold the government officials accountable to help our poor!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
Kathy Robinsons · PLease call or email your representative to get the National Guard Armories to open its doors to the homeless, they should not be allowed to decide to not let them inside. To many peoples lives depend on this shelter, we just do not have enough inside space. There is a Armory in San Pablo next to Contra Costa College and on Carlson Blvd. in Richmond. They have bathrooms, kitchens, cots, blanks, showers and everything we need to help the homeless. Because the military only uses these buildings twice a month we should be able to use them the other times. Other cities have allowed their homeless to come into their guard building. Why is it that we do not!!!
Tom Butt is the Mayor of Richmond CA. He was elected in the high profile November 2014 election and was sworn-in to office Jan. 13th 2015.
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Kathy Robinson We must make the National Guard open their doors, also the GUARD can act as the security while the people sleep! They help everyone else why not our homeless?