We are but mice in the grand scheme of climate change
Does the climate change? Well of course it does nobody denies it, the contention is how much of the constant churn in weather patters over centuries and an aeons is due to the activity of man?
While the prevailing groupthink of governments, vested interests, main stream media and the useful fools that agitate on their behalf say that its all our fault that islands are sinking (they are not), polar bears are disappearing (nor are they) and the world won't be able to feed itself (its actually getting greener), nature just carries on in its own sweet way.
Mount Etna is presently putting us back in our box. She is spewing forth 9,000 tonnes per day of carbon dioxide, not far short of Ireland's 110,000 tonnes. What can we do about it? Nothing, it is happening and has happened before and the the world did not end, we are still here.
So why the panic over mankind's emissions? As always its all about the money. There are massive sums invested in this Canute like attempt to alter the will of nature, with thousands of schemes, subsidies and taxes that, by amazing coincidence, all happen to channel yet more zillions into the pockets of those who have zillions already.
How do the poor working class masses benefit from all this? They don't. It's yet another massive wealth transfer from the poor to the rich with a further power grab thrown in. EV's will be used to control the movement of people and, in future, strictures will be placed on an individuals power consumption.
Meanwhile, data farms, AI and crypto currencies consume greater amounts of energy daily, yet they are not to be mentioned as the avaricious sinkholes of energy that they are, oh no, instead, the hoi polloi must be commanded to reduce carbon emissions and to hell with any notions of self determination let alone an improved lifestyle.
There is a growing unrest in many western countries, a lot of it is said to to do with uncontrolled immigration and dismissed as racism, but there are other underlying frustrations. These include inflation, the whole darn transgenderism nonsense (wife beating is now an Olympic sport), rising taxes, lack of representation and a growing distrust of the ruling classes are a few that immedietly spring to mind.
We might add to this the appropriation of our wealth through the great climate change scare. Think what you will of Trump, he has labelled it a scam, and he is right.
(McManus Tyres)
7 个月Brilliantly put.