We are the master of our own destiny.
How many times have you said or heard that I do everything they did, why do I not get the same result?
First off, it's impossible to do the exact same thing as someone else. Because we can't replicate others. But on the other hand, why would do the same thing as others, when you can just strengthen what you are good at and work on those weaknesses?
Every choice that we make creates other possibilities so in that regard, one can learn and predict what not to do when looking back on our actions. We should be mindful of what worked and what didn't work and be willing to shed our mistakes in order to better ourselves.
Which applies to those doing interviews and networking. The choices you made you can't go back on but you can alter your future choices to take different choices which will bring about different possibilities. In short, actively learn from our mistakes.
We don't need to always be perfect, but if we are aware of where we went wrong we can work to not do it and try something else. But that requires being flexible and letting go of any ego that makes you think that one way is the only way. There are a million ways to do a million things.
Yes, choices A, B, C, and D didn't work but maybe E - Z might?