Are We Making A Mess Out Of Our Meals?

Are We Making A Mess Out Of Our Meals?

As a Gen X'er, I grew up in a time of major food contradictions. Fast food and microwaves offered convenience, while the Special K diet and Oprah's infamous wagon pull pushed the thin ideal. Amidst this confusion, food transformed from a source of connection, nostalgia, joy, exploration, healing, and nourishment into a moral battleground. Food was either good or bad - period.

Over the years, words like "clean," "organic," and "artisanal" have widened the divide, boosted superiority complexes, and added to the overall confusion. Today, orthorexia, an obsession with "healthy" eating, is on the rise, affecting upwards of 57% of the general population. If I'm being honest, this relentless pursuit of food perfection is not only harmful, but also robs us of the simple pleasures of eating.

As a board certified health coach, my goal isn't to dictate what you should eat. It's to help you determine which foods truly support your body's functions while enhancing your quality of life. This can mean different things for different people because there is no one perfect diet. My clients learn to make choices for themselves that nourish their brain, body, and being and while these choices largely include whole foods that are nutrient dense, they also leave room for pleasure and fun.

Since the 80's and 90's the biggest truth we've learned about diets is that they don't work. Not only that, but they often make us feel isolated, challenge our mental wellbeing and lead to overeating when the rules become unsustainable.

When we are well-fed and supported by the food we eat, we're better equipped to think, move, process emotions, and even support others. Fear and hyper-fixation on food is the opposite of wellbeing. I hope to help you evolve the way you think about food and life - as something to engage with and enjoy in ways that help you feel more ALIVE.

Here are some tips to get you started:

If you never feel full:

Prioritize Fiber: Your Gut's Best Friend

  • Why it matters: Fiber helps support your digestive system by slowing it down a bit. This can aid in feelings of satisfaction as well as delay the absorption of sugar from the intestines.
  • Get More: Vegetables are an excellent choices for fiber. Aim for 1 - 2 fist-fulls on your plate and let them be some of your first bites to set the stage for smooth digestion.

If you're unsure if you're getting what you need:

Eat the Rainbow: Nature's Nutrient Powerhouse

  • Why it matters: Different colored fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating a variety ensures you get a broad spectrum of nutrients to support your overall health.
  • Get More: Use what you learned in kindergarten: ROYGBIV. Let it be like your own personal scavenger hunt each day and explore new ways to get your colors.

If you don't want to give up your favorites, but you know you could do a little better with your nutrient intake:

Find Your Balance: The 80/20 Approach

  • Why it matters: A sustainable approach to eating allows for flexibility and enjoyment. Focusing on whole, minimally processed foods most of the time (around 80%) while leaving room for more processed foods (around 20%) helps you maintain a healthy relationship with food.
  • Get More: Planning to eat or prep your meals at home can help you prioritize more whole foods. Planning your meals for a week of flavor and shopping accordingly can help you keep your interest level high and your blood sugar stable throughout the week.

If you've been looking for support surrounding food confusion, visit to book a free Foundational Chat with me. I'll listen to your story and we'll talk about the next steps towards a sustainable way of eating and living that doesn't suck the joy out of you -


Jenna Zaffino is a board-certified health coach and corporate wellness specialist who helps people thrive in the face of stress. Combining practicality, authenticity, and a mindful approach, she empowers midlife individuals, those with chronic illness, and organizations to "Live Well Despite Limits."

For information about corporate programs and coaching visit


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