We made it! Our TED-talks are online
Annie Kerguenne
Leading Expert Transformation Strategy & Design Thinking Master Coach
A TEDx?Masterclass in 8 Episodes.
A reflection on the last TEDxPotsdam- event THE FUTURE WORLD by Annie Kerguenne
End of 2022, I had the incredible opportunity and honor to give a TED talk at the TEDxPotsdam event “FUTURE WORLD”. With the imminent state of stage fright and the sheer excitement that most of us speakers felt, the TEDx team managed to create an exceptionally supportive and welcoming space —the feeling of belonging was immediate. Along with being deeply impressed by the professionality of this team, I was once again inspired by the power of the truly well-directed TED brand experience: You just ARE important by the sheer fact of participating:-).
Did you know that TED is the abbreviation for Technology, Entertainment, and Design? For me, the E in the middle now means ENVISION.?
Because the whole event turned out to be a well-curated masterclass that makes knowledge available on how to envision our way into a desirable future – in the middle of all the transformation clutter that we encounter every day. ?
Each of the speakers presented their distinct perspectives on our future world, all equipped with concrete takeaways for further action. I learned about the power of “news from the future”, the fragile state of our democracy, a business model for our future (hemp!), the beauty of value-driven technology, our schools as groundwork spaces for experiments, the knowing-doing gap (including how to close it) and the impossibility to understand the future from the perspective of a flatworm—which we most obviously will feel like in about 20 years.
As I started to tell my friends about the event and the different talks, I came to realize that the story of a bigger picture emerged. In fact, the presented ideas link into a clear transformation process that follows striking simplicity and logic. The model I am referring to is built on the concept of the sustainability-driven economist Uwe Schneidewind .??It represents the backbone of his quest for an ecological economic system of the future.?
In fact, the concept is a 4-steps pathway that you can apply to any transformation task that you want to actively push forward:
Building on that logic, this is my recommendation for the order that you could follow if you are interested in all the talks about our Future World. Maybe you want to treat yourself with a daily dose of inspiration for 8 days, taking one talk a day. What follows is a subjective view of the main AHA-moments, filtered through the lens of the transformation cycle. (my speaker colleagues may pardon my creative license). You find all the talks here: TEDxPotsdam
Start your masterclass with Friedrich Bohn ?and?his talk WHAT KIND OF SUSTAINABLE WORLD DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN – AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR TODAY? This is a great analysis of what we know and simply don't do. You will learn?how to break the causal dynamics that will inevitably lead us to climate collapse and ecological crash, and how you can actively close the knowing-action gap. Friedrich proposes a simple and effective strategy that everyone can apply (no excuses).
Your second future inspiration may come from the digital health expert and medical doctor Dr. Jonas Witt ?and his talk "THE TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY".?He displays a striking perspective on the mechanism of accelerating technological developments and their consequences for society. I assume you will be as surprised as I was to discover our inherent inability to evaluate exponential growth results. Learn why it is absolutely appropriate to consider ourselves as flatworms of the future.?
Holly Nullmeyer Sven Holly Nullmeyer/qosmo.org presented his "NACHRICHTEN AUS DER ZUKUNFT"?– the news from the future, which is a project at the intersection of art, politics, and storytelling. The aim of the DIDIMOS collective is to create artifacts of probable and diverse future scenarios. If you are interested in seeing the futures you may want to move towards, or those you may want to avoid, you should go and get your future news.
Prof. Nikolaus Hafermaas presented visionary ways of the creative connection between technology and being human that already happen.?His talk "LIVING IN THE HERE AND NOW: FOR A NEW PERCEPTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE" brings to the point what we intuitively know and tend to ignore in the ongoing “technology-first” discussion: It's not technology that defines design for human beings, it′s the human needs that shall come first. He reminded us of the diversity and capacity of our senses, which are the nurturing agents of our intelligence and ability to adapt. If you are a fan of state-of-the-art architecture, don’t miss this creative and smart observation of our future.?
A "MANIFEST ZUKUNFT DER BILDUNG" – a future education manifesto – was proclaimed by Susanne St?vhase , Co-Founder of the Education InnovationLAB.?The manifesto is clear and insistent: schools must become spaces for experimenting toward the future in order to prepare future generations for life. Go and discover the student-centered postulations. And put them to work in daily life. Radically transforming our way of learning will be one – if not THE one – factor enabling an optimistic view of what is to come.??
I will also put my own talk in this LEARN phase, as I talked about STRATEGIC DESIGN THINKING.
"LOST IN TRANSFORMATION? LOOK FOR FUN TO GET THROUGH IT" gives you a glimpse into the DNA of Design Thinking.?It may also provide you with an explanation why it is so popular and impactful when it comes to complex innovation and transformation challenges. If you want to know more about why we should take #fun as a serious factor to accelerate and magnify your transformation efforts – welcome to my talk that you will here: https://tedxpotsdam.de/2022/lost-in-transformation
Two talks were very specific considering the immediate everyday actions that have the power to change systems with high leverage effect on the future world: the economic system and the political system.?
Laura Rothgang gives you all you need to influence our future with economic decisions that create sustainable value: buy hemp products.?You will be surprised about the assets of this substance for our planet. With her team, she created a business model that – if it is scaled – has the power of changing a lot. Interesting may also be the fact that her father is a cop. And a big fan of hemp. Find out why in her talk "GREEN HOPE: HEMP TO THE RESCUE". And start directly with your action for a good future by supporting her startup #hemi at?https://drink-hemi.com/pages/mission
Finally, political activist and federal spokeswoman of the board at MEHR DEMOKRATIE https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/ueber-uns/organisation/vorstand Claudine Nierth made one thing crystal clear in her talk "DIE DEMOKRATIE BRAUCHT UNS": actively participating in political decision processes and vehemently claiming this participation is the only way to break the paralysis that reigns in politics now. It's our government systems that make sure that future-related binding values and rules for a world based on humanity and sustainability are anchored. If you want to leave your comfort zone for an active, optimistic, and passionate appeal to make it work together, get inspired by Claudine’s courage and her elaboration on the impact of psychological safety in uncertain times.
This is how the TED team created a complete transformation masterclass with diverse, yet like-minded transformation ideas for a good future:
Our different points of view focused on ecology, design and technology, ecosystem dynamics, art, education, politics, singularity, and design thinking.?Yet in a way, we all elaborated on networks and collaboration, human centricity and empathy, diversity, and inclusion, learning through experiments, and the urgency to finally take creative action – against all odds.
I hope you will have fun with the talks and spread the ideas worth spreading
Thank you to the inspirational co-speakers, to the speakers′ coaches – who did not just focus on their coaches but were happy to support any of us in need - and to the TED-x Team of Uni Potsdam. What an incredible job.
Dr. Jonas Witt , Claudine Nierth
Heidi G?tzmann
Maximilian Braun
Officer | Innovator | Speaker | Coach | Co-Founder WERK 7.62 - Skill Manufaktur
1 年Wow ???? Super Annie