We Love Stressed Lawns (To a Point)
Tips for watering a Bratty Lawn
It seems that the weather in Texas is feast or famine (though I think all states probably say that), and our irrigation and drainage team here in Dallas/Fort Worth went from numerous calls from clients needing drainage solutions to even more numerous calls for irrigation coverage solutions, all of this in in about a two week span. ? Lawns in Texas are quickly showing moisture stress, and this can be managed with some tips on watering and some key resources such as Texas A&M’s watermyyard.org??
Maintaining a healthy lawn during one of our legendary Texas summers can be challenging in any year, but especially difficult after the spring of 2024 where we had frequent, heavy rainfall, followed by high heat with no rain. The spring rains that made our lawns look so good may have spoiled our turfgrass roots like petulant children, and sprinkler scheduling is the key to keeping the grass green and the Homeowners Association out of your inbox.
Understanding Drought Resistance in Turfgrasses
Research consistently shows that certain watering strategies such as deep, infrequent watering can enhance the drought resistance of our warm season grasses (Bermuda, Zoysia, or St. Augustine lawns).? In very basic terms, plants respond to stress, and the right amount of moisture stress will trigger the development of deeper, more extensive root systems.??
Conversely, shallow, frequent watering can result in shallow, less developed root systems.? Given the frequency and intensity of our 2024 Texas spring, it stands to reason that the lawns in DFW may show signs of stress amazingly fast this summer.? Here’s how we can minimize the damage and keep our lawn happy and healthy
The Benefits of Deep and Infrequent Watering
One of the key findings from multiple studies (these are listed below) is that deep and infrequent watering encourages the development of deeper and more extensive root systems. The benefits are many but among the most notable are:
Practical Watering Tips for Homeowners
To implement these findings and optimize your lawn's drought resistance, consider the following watering practices:
Some additional practical tips
The difficult part for most homeowners is first allowing the grass to stress a bit, and then knowing when enough stress is enough.? We’ve found that observing the color of the grass can be very helpful, as lawns under stress can take on a bluish tinge, the leaf blades may roll up and look thin, and footprints will be visible for a longer time than normal.? Any of these signal that it is time to water.??
We’ve also found that using a wifi based controller can make clock and scheduling adjustments very easy as the run times can be adjusted from your smartphone from nearly anywhere.? This kind of access to the sprinkler scheduling combined with resources such as watermyyard.org can be a powerful combination in getting the correct amount of water each week.
1. Carrow, R. N. (1996). "Drought resistance aspects of turfgrasses in the southeast: Root-shoot responses." Crop Science, 36(2), 371-377.
2. Qian, Y. L., & Fry, J. D. (1997). "Water relations and drought tolerance of four turfgrasses." Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 122(1), 129-133.
3. Huang, B., & Fu, J. (2001). "Growth and physiological responses of creeping bentgrass and bermudagrass to elevated root-zone CO2 at different soil water contents." Journal of Experimental Botany, 52(364), 1203-1209.
4. Carrow, R. N. (1995). "Drought resistance aspects of turfgrasses in the Southeast: Root-shoot responses." Agronomy Journal, 87(4), 727-732.
5. Richardson, M. D., & Karcher, D. E. (2004). "Water use efficiency and rooting characteristics of zoysiagrass and bermudagrass." Crop Science, 44(4), 1435-1440.