We are looking for you!
Tryolabs 2021

We are looking for you!

We are so lucky to share our time with a creative group of people looking to unlock new challenges and push forward our knowledge.

We evolve and change, but one thing remains our true north: the quest for innovative solutions for whatever challenge we face. We have over 11 years in the business and can't wait to keep expanding our limits, and so, our team.

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What we look for in people who join our team: passion for unlocking new challenges, finding innovative solutions, and waves of energy and proactivity.

Whether you are a tech nerd, a part-time scientist or musician, experienced chef, or a committed dancer, if you share this eager passion for creating and experimenting, we are waiting for you.

Get to know our team

We've been showing off our team for a while now, and we have plenty of reasons to do so! Working with amazing people with diverse backgrounds makes our projects and work lives more vibrant day by day. Yes, we look for technical expertise, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

This is Maia

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Maia is one of those people who dedicates her life to making the world a better place one step at a time. Her mindset and determination make her shine; starting as a Data Scientist, evolving to AI specialist, and leaning into the commercial sector of our team, she is now the Head of BizDev. Talk about determination and growth!

Combining her econometrics and social sciences knowledge with her python and ML Skills, Maia makes a perfect fit in our team. Her experience in the consulting industry covers several projects related to demand forecasting, price optimization, customer segmentation, and natural language processing, among others.

Creativity and productivity are traits that never lack in Maia's profile. In these two years on the team, she made several blog posts and participated in different conferences worldwide.

These are some of her professional highlights:

?? Data Science Virtual Salon: Retail & E-Commerce?

In this conference, Maia focused on how Machine Learning is reshaping price optimization by showing outstanding results obtained by leading retailers around the globe. We shared the algorithms, techniques, and data sources applied, which led our client to gain over half a million dollars during a 10-weeks price optimization experiment.

??? Price optimization for e-commerce: a case study

??? Machine Learning in your marketing mix strategy

This is Lalo

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After finishing his university degree in Manufacturing Engineering, Lalo discovered his true passion was AI and Machine Learning. With time he re-trained himself and became a self-taught software developer, hacker, and a great ML engineer. He is the living proof that following your instinct and doing what you love can take you anywhere and beyond and that great Data Scientists can come from any background.

Even if outside his area of expertise, Lalo will dig deep into the trenches until he finds the knowledge that satisfies him and enlightens everybody in the process.

Nowadays, Lalo has become one of the most knowledgeable references in Tryolabs for any computer vision-related problem. He has worked extensively in object detection, keypoint estimation, object tracking, and several video analytics applications. If you have a challenging vision-related problem, he's your guy.

Lalo has had a tremendous impact on Tryolabs' brand in the past year. With the release of?Norfair?object tracking library that surpassed 1100 stars ? in GitHub,?a blog post on Swift for Machine Learning?made headlines and even?landed Tryolabs a joint webinar?with Google's team.

????Swift: Google's bet on differentiable programming

??? Releasing Norfair: an open source library for object tracking

?? A deeper dive into Swift for TensorFlow

This is Paz

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How many people do you know that graduate university, secure a nice job in their field, and then decide to start all over at engineering school? How many that actually make it all the way through? Yup, that’s Paz. And she has since made it her mission to educate and inspire young girls on the edge of pursuing an IT career.

After two years as a Developer, her focus has shifted towards Machine Learning and Data Science, and that's how this year she started her journey along with us.

Recently, she was a speaker at Data Science Salon, with her talk on Applying AI & Machine Learning to Retail & Eccomerce.

With her take on Product Matching, Paz shared about the process of identifying identical items inside one or more product catalogs. Using Product Matching as an internal support system can help automate manual work, translating into millions of cost reductions for big retailers. On the other hand, using it as a competitive advantage can help retailers increase sales and revenue.

?? AI & Machine Learning to Retail & Eccomerce

??? Real Estate Pricing with Machine Learning & non-traditional data sources

This is Braulio

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Braulio can be defined as a curious and focused mind with an awesome sense of humor who enjoys teamwork and collaboration. With over ten years of experience in the software and electronics industry, he’s a fixer and our go-to guy for any hardware-related problem.

After finishing his degree in electrical engineering, he started his career in embedded system development for the automotive and healthcare industries. He then shifted to signal processing and machine learning development as he joined us in 2016.

He's been working on projects for a diverse set of industries requiring a wide variety of skills, especially embedded machine learning, computer vision, demand forecasting, and price optimization. He recently joined the Tryolabs R&D team to develop video analytics solutions that run on low computing power devices. Impressive right?

In this journey, he made quite a lot of appearances in conferences and on our blog.

Check out his highlights!

??? Releasing MaskCam: an open-source smart camera based around Jetson Nano

???Reinforcement Learning & pricing: a complicated love story

??? Face mask detection in street camera video streams using AI: behind the curtain

?? A Mask-Detecting Smart Camera Using the Jetson Nano: The Developer Journey

Our core values & benefits

In these last few years, our core values and benefits kept evolving. Remote is here to stay, and we are true to flexibility.

Communication, collaboration, and responsibility are what make this possible. We are 100% committed to our team's growth and development with our career paths, wellness programs, and Tryo Benefits.

We look for people that love what they do!

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