We Live In a Screwy, Confusing World
Dude, what a freaking mess.
Have you read any news lately? I don't care from where, all the news is just dominated by screwed up weirdness. That is, when they actually report news, and not just pop culture dribble.
You want problems? There are tons of problems. Weather they are science related, social science, political, educational, the sky seems to be falling everywhere. You just can't escape it.
Of note, here are some screwy things I've been reading:
Wait, never mind, I don't want to taint this newsletter/post/article with crap. And really, you already know the screwy stuff.
I'd rather talk about how to survive, maybe even thrive, amongst the crazy. Here are some of my ideas... I'd love to hear yours in the comments:
Focus On Your Skills
A few years ago at the Pluralsight conference the theme was SkillUp. The idea was that we find, make, and take advantage of opportunities to grow. As a Pluralsight Author (see my 36 soft skill courses here) I was proud to be a part of professionals skilling up in their career.
When someone adds new, or enhances existing, skills, they are more likely to have increased confidence (heaven knows most of us need that). When you are confronted with a problem and can say, "I can solve this problem that! I know how!", things change.
It's much more fun to know how to do things, whether that is cooking or singing or coding or riding a horse or speaking or leading or whatever, than to sit there and think, "I have no idea, I'm not the right person."
I don't care whether you focus on personal skills that are just plain fun or you focus on skills that could increase your earning potential, please focus on your skills. And no, binge-watching shows is not one of the skills I'd include on your top 1,000 skills you should really focus on.
Focus On What You Can Control
I learned about, and love, this concept of "locus of control." I'm going to quote the first line in wikipedia here because I'm not in school and as an adult I'm allowed to quote wikipedia :p
Locus of control?is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives.?
In the 7 Habits book, Covey talks about your circle of influence. Too often, people worry about things that are outside of their circle of influence, robbing time they should be spending inside their circle of influence.
Doesn't it seem like so many people are so very concerned about how everyone else things, acts, talks, votes, etc., that they are just wrapped up in yelling at (or making fun of) others? Maybe it would be better to figure out what is in your circle and invest more time there.
This is one of the reasons you've seen people say they are going on a social media fast... because they finally realize they've been investing time in, and getting worked up over, stupid things that are outside their circle.
Focus On Principles
One of the great things about my courses on Pluralsight is that they are based on principles. Contrast that to my earliest "courses" I did, which were on DVDs (and then streamed from JibberJobber), about LinkedIn. As soon as I ordered a thousand DVDs I'd need to update them. The platform changed.
Networking principles didn't change. You still needed to find, and have conversations with, the right people. You still needed to invest in your network by giving and not being a turd. Principles of personal branding, informational interviews... all of these things rarely change.
Maybe some tactics and tools get updated, but principles are fundamental truths. My beliefs might be wrong, but the more I seek truth the closer I get to principles.
When your world feels really shaky, and your foundation is weak, seek truths. Look for anything that you can hold on to as never changing (think: gravity). Find those truths, release untruths, and become aligned with principles. If you've focused on, for example, pop culture, you are likely quite a ways away from focusing on principles. Switching your focus can be super refreshing.
Focus On Your Center
Another thing Covey talked about, I think in chapter 2, is your "center." As I read this chapter many, many years ago I was thinking my center was my family, my parents, my church, my friends, my career etc. Covey refuted every one of these.
He doesn't say these are all bad but what if your parents are your center but they've been abusing you? What if your church is your center but the pastor gets sent to prison for doing bad things? What if your career is your center but you get laid off or lose your license to practice? What if your spouse is your center but they leave you? What if, what if, what if...?
I was shook. Until I kept reading. Spoiler: He basically said you need to make sure your center is based on truths and principles, things that won't change or be taken away. Please go back and read chapter 2 and get better clarity than what I'm putting here... it is so critical to NOT have the wrong center.
Focusing on the right, and a healthy, center, can help you weather the weirdness swirling around us.
Respect Your Health
On my JibberJobber blog I've written a lot about mental and physical health. If you look at me you aren't going to think, wow, Jason is a real health nut. I'm just glad I'm still alive, even though I've chosen donuts over dumbbells more than I should have.
But I still try.
"Every bite is a choice." That's a favorite line I picked up along the way. Binge on pizza and soda last night? That's okay, it doesn't have to define who you are or what you eat today.
You need to respect your physical health. Put another way, take time for your health or later you will HAVE TO take time for your health (which is not a fun thought). This applies to your mental health, your financial health, your relationship health... all the things you might have on a personal scorecard.
Respect Other People
One of the disconcerting things I see a lot of is people bashing others because of how they look, how they talk, what they are good or bad at, how much money they do or don't have, etc. We (and/or, the news) talk about how people dress as if it's the most important thing going on in the world (who wore what to the beach, or the funeral, etc.). We, as a people, need to STOP.
I don't have faith we will every fully respect others. It seems to be human nature to want to drag others down. There will always be bad guys, bullies, and opportunists. But individually you and I could work on this. I wish we could see others as humans who have value and worth, not as people we need to tear down so we could feel better about ourselves.
Respect Yourself
A common way that many speakers start their bit is with a self-degrading joke. Listen for that next time someone does a presentation. It's done as a tactic to break the ice, diffuse tension, and maybe show the audience that you are normal (or at least, not perfect), just like them.
Words have power. Even if it's a joke, saying it out loud can sink in. I feel sad when people do this, especially if they do it a lot.
I think we are, or at least we can, be pretty amazing. We all come from different paths, different DNA, different hardships, different opportunities. We all have different skills, strengths, drives, etc. One of the most harming things I've seen, personally and professionally, is unfair comparisons (I think I've written about this twice now - don't do it!).
Please respect your path and all the other things I just listed in the previous paragraph. You can work on improving it, but if it's not the right time for that (ie, trauma healing), then just be. Chill, relax, and respect your own journey.
Learn About Economic Cycles
This should help you set your mind at ease a bit. When we realize that some of the bad stuff that is happening now isn't really because of something someone did, rather it's a market correction that happens every X years, perhaps we can shift our angst from blaming others to looking at the economy from a higher perspective and making short and long-term plans appropriately.
Recessions are scary. Interest rates increasing is scary. Inflation is scary. Ridiculous house prices are scary. What does any of this mean to us right now? Perhaps we spend less (cut things out), perhaps we invest in our skills so we are more marketable... perhaps we wait on a big purchase, or perhaps you save money during a high so you can invest in something during the low.
The point is to learn about how the economy works enough to not get completely distraught and hopeless when it does funky things.
Learn About Cultures
I am sickened by these people over here who hate those people over there so much they will physically harm them just because of their accent, their skin tone, the way they dress, etc. I'm sorry but this is disgusting.
I am not as well-traveled as I'd like to be but I've been to a few places. I have a soft spot in my heart for Latin America, including all these countries who's people are in such turmoil that they risk life and limb to travel up north for hope and opportunity. This, by the way, is not about, or an invitation to debate about, the U.S. border policies and crisis. What I've found in my travels are generally amazing people. Creative, loving, faithful, hopeful, hard working, and smart people.
I've met with brilliant, ambitious people in Istanbul and Belgium, Orlando and Seattle. Heck, even Silicon Valley has some good people! (that was a joke... not that they are there, but that they only have "some" good people)
The more I get into different cultures the more I see people who just want happiness and peace, and usually family and enjoyment. I'm not saying that is everywhere, for sure there are bad people out there. But too often we are closed to meeting new people because of cultural differences when many of us really want the same things.
Love life. Love opportunity. Love hope. Love change. Love that you have an opportunity for better relationships, better times, better whatever. Some of the happiest people I know seem to ignore all the sky-is-falling talk and just love what they have, and what they can have. They are hopeful and full of gratitude. They don't do this out of ignorance, rather out of hope and love.
Others are drawn to them because in this screwy, crazy world everyone needs some hope and love. Need help on this one? Sit down and list 100 things you are grateful for. Seriously. Sounds too easy? THEN DO IT. Don't think it will make a difference? DO IT ANYWAY.
Head of CX and Chief Knowledge Officer @ Knowledgely? ? ICMI Top 25 Thought Leader ? CX Leader ? Expert in Work-At-Home Change Management ? Author ? Podcast Guest ? Speaker ? #km #knowledgemanagement #cx
2 年Enjoyed your article Jason Alba
Principal Strategist and Founder of Pixleration, 6x Sitecore Strategy MVP, 3x Coveo MVP, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited
2 年Awesome article! Thanks Jason!
BA & MA Philosophy | Creativity | Disruption | Culture | Tech | Growth | Consultant | MICE
2 年Great stuff thanks for sharing
Servant Leader + Consultant | US ARMY Veteran | Doctoral Candidate | Program Manager | Strategy Builder | Sales & Marketing | Consumer Services |Manufacturing |Strategic Leader Focused on Driving Growth & Innovation | VP
2 年Great information Jason Alba ????