We know where we're trying to go...
AVIER Flight School
...to ensure aviation safety while increasing the footprint of general aviation in the warmest learning environment.
Avier Flight School has three guiding statements that help us to remember why we are here, and importantly, how we are ensuring a safe trip for everyone!
Here are the three statements:
The reason that the mission statement is first is because the first element is the absolute core of our existence and everything else that follows is in service to that first element: Safety. As soon as it is compromised, everything else falls apart. As for everything else, well, it just cascades down from that key point, safety.
The purpose of the business is to increase the footprint of GA, which we do by welcoming people warmly, keeping interactions positive, enhancing pilots' confidence in their skills, and keeping things "to the point."
It is noteworthy that nowhere in our three statements does it mention teaching people to fly airplanes. This is of course an ancillary outcome. Who flies airplanes? Pilots do... that is what we create and nurture here.
This is all semantics and the story is much longer than would be supported by this brief post, but I'll wrap up by pointing out that none of this is revolutionary in any way; the Feds wrote the book decades ago. It's all in the Aviation Instructors' Handbook and numerous other publications. If any of this is intriguing to you, I'd be happy to engage with you.