We Know What We Should Do But We Still Seek Validation

We Know What We Should Do But We Still Seek Validation

One of our biggest mistakes is that we can’t get out of our own head. If you’re real with yourself you already know what you have to do. You already have the answers needed right in your head, But somehow that isn’t enough. We feel the need to seek validation from someone else to decide on something we already know we should be doing. We know we should be eating healthier, we know we should be working out a few times a week, we know we should’ve started working on that project, we know we should’ve been looking for another job because you hate your current job, we know the relationship is toxic but we just stick around, we know!!! The list can go on for days from the minor things to more serious things. But why do we ignore our gut?

Let me ask you a couple of questions. If you touched a hot surface with your hand, would you ignore the burning sensation and continue to leave your hand on the hot surface? HELL NO!!! Would you try to seek some type of validation on why you should remove your hand? HELL TO THE NO!!! Now maybe I did go to the extreme with this example, but i’m pretty sure you get the picture. My point is we already know what to do, most of the time validation is pointless. I mean if it comforts you to hear someone tell you something you already know, then by all means go for it.

To change gears a little, lets say the validation you are seeking is totally opposite of what you want to hear, which happens often. Now you’re in a situation where your gut is telling you one thing but the feedback you’re getting is saying another thing. Lets go back to the example of you touching the hot surface. Even if you heard the opposite of what you wanted to hear, if your hand is burning I’m pretty sure all that goes out the window. Now i’m not saying don’t seek advice or talk things over with someone. It’s actually a great thing to do. There are a lot of people who may have been in a similar situation. But reaching out should be more so about advice on how to as opposed to seeking validation on something you already know you need to do.

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