Special Thanks to Amer Qureshi Sb.


Have you ever wondered what we truly know? The first answer would be "Yes". But think again - perhaps the answer is "Maybe".


As humans, we often fall into the habit of assuming we know everything, and that's where the problem lies. Instead of jumping to conclusions, we need to pause, assess, and reflect on our actual knowledge. Do we truly understand the subject at hand? Is there someone who knows it better than we do? More often than not, we'll realize that what we thought we knew, is actually unknown to us!


In our professional lives, when we observe others performing their jobs, we tend to believe we can do these tasks just as well. However, that's not always the case. When we finally attempt the task ourselves, we discover that a significant portion of our time is spent learning how to do it correctly. By the end of the day, we often find ourselves falling short of the target, and instead add to our anxiety. Interestingly enough, we may not even be aware of our anxiety or its cause.


I strongly believe that understanding what we truly know, as well as what we don't know, can lead to greater productivity in our professional lives. It can make us three times more effective than we currently are.


So, let's take a moment to evaluate our daily routines and identify tasks we assumed we know how to do, just by observing others. Once we've identified these tasks, we need to prioritize them accordingly.


If possible, we should seek out the right person or expert for those jobs and learn the proper way to perform them. This approach will not only save us time but also allow us to acquire new skills.


It is commonly observed that many people hesitate to say "No" to tasks they've seen, fearing it will be seen as a lack of intellect, or reflect negatively on them. The truth, however, is that saying "Yes" and then failing to perform adequately can lead to negative performance reviews.


Before committing ourselves, let's pause and analyze any new situation. Let's weigh the pros and cons, and if we feel confident in our ability to excel, then say "Yes." Otherwise, we will need to consider the time frame for completion and acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully complete the task.


By understanding what we don't know, our ability to perform effectively in the things we do know will more than double.



