We know better, do better-Maya Angelou

We know better, do better-Maya Angelou

Maya means something that is in line with choice theory psychology. Choice Theory informs that every person is choosing their best behavior available to get what they want in that particular moment of time. If they knew better, they would do better. So, information is required to have access to better choices. However, providing information to an individual isn’t enough; they have to believe the information and be willing to see if a different choice would work better for them. Hence, if they know better, they will do better.

You don’t know, what you don’t know & you don’t even know that you don’t know it. But, at some point in time & with many more experiences, you might come to realize a certain truth about yourself, or about life. At this juncture in time. You now know better, so you must seek to do better. “Know Thy Self.” & “To Thy Own Self Be True.” Greek Wisdom. If you know better & now seek to do better; you remain true to yourself. Because in the end, you are dancing on this earth for a short time. [ Cat Stevens } And, you are dancing with the Man or Woman [ you - yourself ] in the mirror. [ Michael Jackson ].

Oh very young, what will you leave us this time

You're only dancin' on this earth for a short while

And though your dreams may toss and turn you now

They will vanish away like your dads best jeans

Denim blue, faded up to the sky

And though you want them to last forever

You know they never will

(You know they never will)

And the patches make the goodbye harder still.

Oh very young what will you leave us this time

There'll never be a better chance to change your mind

And if you want this world to see a better day

Will you carry the words of love with you

Will you ride the great white bird into heaven

And though you want to last forever

You know you never will

(You know you never will)

And the goodbye makes the journey harder still.

Will you carry the words of love with you

Will you ride, oh, oooh

Oh very young, what will you leave us this time

You're only dancin' on this earth for a short while

Oh very young, what will you leave us this time

It means that people often make mistakes because they don’t know the right way to do something. Once they understand (“know better”) they can change their actions (“do better”). I have only heard it applied in behavioural situations, not something physical like knowing how to do the laundry properly. For example, a person might have grown up in a household which is racist, so he behaves in a racist manner. Once in the real world he realises how wrong he has been, and changes his words and actions.

Or a parent might beat his child, thinking that’s the way to ensure obedience and respect. As he learns more, he realises that there are kinder and more effective ways of disciplining his child. So he stops beating his child and starts trying to parent in a more intelligent manner. In each of the above scenarios, now that the person knows a better way to do something, he chooses to do it that way. you have to make the difference in life by showing what you know, your level of education and enlightenment should make the difference. It means that you should practicalize what-what know, it is not enough having bountiful knowledge if one cannot make others feel the impact of such knowledge.

It means for one to show more towards wisdom than just professing what you know to others. Whatever you know you should make it part and parcel of you, you should let others feel the impact and let the world benefit from what you know. Knowledge is nothing without actions, so it is being practically committed to what you know to the degree that everybody sees it manifesting in you. It means that you don't have to shy away from what you know because you feel it may intimidate others or make you feel different amongst your peers but you should rather let it count and be bold enough to stand out with it. Cheers!


