We judge what we don’t know
Fraser Cameron
I activate men who’ve ‘made it’...but still feel the void | We burn the rules, unlock their genius, and build a life they wouldn’t trade for anything
What we haven’t experienced
Or don’t understand.?
Assuming it isn’t real. Not possible
Especially if it’s actually appealing. Better than what we have.?
Something we desire. Something we dream of having?
We convince ourselves it’s too good to be true. So therefore it isn’t.?
We suppress it. Block it. Push it away and stay safe. Playing small.?
And that is a tragedy.?
Because not giving it a chance, not even seeing if it’s for you is self sabotage.?
It could be walking away from having it all - that statement is an example of that. When. I tell people you can have it all
And that’s it’s simple and very achievable
I get all sorts of push back. Even when I explain I’ve helped almost 1200 people achieve it they still don’t believe it. Even when I share my life with them
That’s all ego and conditioning.?
Ego in terms of only seeing it through you own eyes (which is understandable) and conditioning in that we’re told to doubt the seemingly impossible.?
When you let that go. When you unlearn those false limits?
Then you start to see what’s possible. Then you start to see your potential.?
You see unlike those naysayers I’ve experienced both sides. I was a doubter until someone helped me break the boundaries
So I know how silly it is to not believe what we don’t know.?
Be curious.?
Take a step, dip your toe in the water and see if it’s right for you.?
But don’t ignore it simply because it’s different and better than what you have
Because that would be tragic and unnecessary.?
Life is for living. For discovering. For growing
And questioning and challenging prompts that.?
Screw the Rules!