Are we investing in the right technologies?
For a country faced with rising fuel costs as well as air pollution issues Electric vehicles are going to be the "technology of necessity" rather than a "technology of choice" in the very near future. Besides numerous startups almost all existing Auto companies in India have either invested, are in the process of investing or have a clear roadmap in terms of how they want to invest in this technology which will mark a paradigm shift in terms of not only how the vehicles of the future would look and operate but also in terms of the associated components and technologies. Goes without saying but these new components like batteries, electric motors, chargers, controllers etc. could witness massive growth in the not so distant future. In the battery space we have witnessed an increasing adoption of Li - Ion batteries. However for any new technology to be deemed a mega success there are 3 key questions that need to be addressed before mass adoption:-
As India races to become a $ 5 trillion economy many such new "micro industries" and technologies will play a key role in that achievement. Investing in the "right associated technologies" is hence imperative in not only ensuring long term sustainable growth of that particular technology but also in some cases will have a major influence on how the associated industry itself (like EV's in this case) shapes up in terms of growth.
In these times of social media where perceptions about anything new is made / destroyed pretty quickly can the "EV industry afford an unsafe tag" even as it fights the adoption battle? Something worth a discussion ....
#Electricvehicles #makeinindia