EUROPE We have for more than 2,000 years imposed our will to the rest of the planet using our violence designed the planet to our satisfaction.
From year 0 with the Roman Empire we have slaughtered , imposed, enslaved and annihilated civilizations. Further empires, French, British, Ottoman or Austrian Hungarian as some others did exactly the same and all try to imitate the Roman Empire.
We invaded countries by force and all under the cover that it was done in the name of the almighty and for civilization.
THE AMERICAS, with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus we subjugated the existing civilization in the South and started to colonize the North.
With these new lands we needed labour to work and we kidnapped and enslaved million of citizens from Africa.
To the existing civilizations that opposed us we destroyed almost to the level of extinction. We Colonized the America continent and used their richness for our monarchs to pay for the wars .
South America and Central America was a Spanish Empire colonization and playground for the Spanish Monarchs to fight their wars and expanding the European Empire.
North America fought in the South or Purchased from Spain or France. Canada split between the French in Quebec and the rest to the British as British Columbia
AFRICA, we used this continents as if it was our backyard, we colonized, used the resources, enslaved, kill and designed to our satisfaction .
We even considered black people inferior to us, we extracted, Good, diamonds and other minerals for the coffers of our Monarch to fight their wars.
The barbaric actions made to Africa can’t be described but only felt as we discriminated, used and annihilated many of these civilizations.
ASIA , The colonization playground of the British Empire, dividing it in pieces, extracting and depleting their resources. We shouldn’t forget the division of India into three different countries where million of people died.
We even bombarded the city of Shanghai in China because they refuse to buy the Opium that we were selling.
All this naturally for the coffers of European Monarchs to fight wars.
OCEANIA, THE BRITISH EMPIRE maintained almost all Oceania and still does under their control, both Australia as New Zealand have a head of State the British Monarch.
For the sake of European Civilization we have fought hundreds of wars killing hundreds of million innocent civilians and even fought war between ourselves as it was the case of World War 1 and World War II killing millions of innocent civilians including genocides of the Jewish population.
We created after World War II institutions made to control the world:
10. Driving regulations and traffic regulations
11.Banking, insurance banknotes , insurance, debt, legal system and many hundreds more
We have as European in a continent that’s only 860 Million habitants control the world of 8,000 Million people not by agreement but by brute imposition.
United States of America , a special mention must be given to the USA, what a denominate a country of Countries in which every single Nation in the word is present in the origin.
Naturally majority of the population are of European ancestry origin being Germany the first , followed by the African Slaves brought from Africa , Irish, Mexican, British, Italian.
The US Political and business Power always in the hands of European individuals, most of them still feel being orphans of their European Ancestry.
It shouldn’t surprise us that the US military are present in almost every European country and plans are fostering for the rest of Europe to be in the hands of the American Military.
“A kind of Home away from home but here to stay for eternity “
Can we feel comfortable with our history , with our genocides and slavery or colonialism, can we really think that we can teach the rest of the planet to follow our principles and actions.
Maybe not, probably we need to communicate more to ask instead than imposing, to dialogue instead of ordering.
We may not understand others but this doesn’t mean that they’re wrong , many civilization worldwide like the Indian and Chinese can teach us to live in peace, these civilizations are thousands of years older than ours.
We need to accept people of different ideas irrespective of color, origin , language, belief or customs.
With the internet and the digital age we are controlling all communications on the planet, we have created associations of intelligence, computers, devices, smartphones all connected, the Operating systems in Computers is controlled most by US some others in Europe.
The digital age in the TV and production enable us to make believe to the general public what we want and anything can be modified or recreated.
The social networks keep us busy and as proven experts we are hooked by these and our Brain releases some dopamine every time we use these.
We are spied , surveillance it’s present everywhere for our own security in our house , in smartphones, laptops in the street, by satellites etc etc.