Are We Human? Or Are We Dancer?
Kate Arcangeli
Serial Entrepreneur | Renaissance Woman Humanity has begun the process of decentralization at mass scale! Follow along and subscribe to my newsletter to learn more! The Age of Light is upon us! ??????
Are We in the Midst of a Second Renaissance?
I can barely make it through the song "Human" by The Killers without bursting into tears because I am a romantic at heart and fully believe that human beings are creative artists at the very core of our essence. My father has also requested ever since I was little that I sing and play the song "For a Dancer" by Jackson Browne at his funeral and I cry every time I hear that song, too. Both of these pieces describe the human being as a living, breathing expression of an artistic masterpiece, which is really at odds with our rise in the transhumanism of a tech age.
"Are we human or are we dancer? My sign is vital, my hands are cold. And I'm on my knees, looking for the answer...are we human or are we dancer?" -The Killers
"Keep a fire burning in your eye. Pay attention to the open sky. You never know what will be coming down. I don't remember losing track of you. You were always dancing in and out of view. I must've thought you'd always be around..." -Jackson Browne
Yet, it is the very technologies at our finger tips that allow us to access works of art at extremely rapid rates never before experienced in our history. The rapidness of access, creating a low barrier of entry, is thinning the veil of our reality and transforming it into an animated technicolor immersive experience. The veil is thinning in a whole new way...
What does this mean? The veil is thinning...
It means many things, but in today's world it means it's getting more and more difficult to discern and tell the difference between the virtual reality and the tangible reality. AI in particular is making things extremely interesting as it's difficult to tell if videos or songs or essays are written by human beings or created by a bunch of compressed data that was uploaded by humans at one point and then spit out by some kind of complex computer formulae, written by humans.
...back when I was in college from 2007-2008, I watched Google and The University of Michigan join forces and scan in the books from the libraries into a "digital library" or "the cloud." I am pretty sure this scanning project was the very beginning of Gemini...whether they were aware of AI chatbots coming or not.
There is talk on Substack and within the Bitcoin circles that we are in the midst of a Second Renaissance. Turns out my Italian degree is coming around full circle and maturing because I studied The Renaissance A LOT in college. Much more than the average human that is for sure.
I am not sure these people really understand what it means to be in a Renaissance because the vast majority of Bitcoiners are Finance Bros, Fundamentalists, Libertarians, and Anarcho-Capitalists. These are not the same kind of people that studied Humanism in college or participated in musical theater like yours truly! Kinda baffling and hysterical that the early stages of a new Renaissance is being marketed and promoted by slightly-defiant Finance Bros and not actual artists...but ya know, life works in mysterious ways, right!
It's almost as if the Money Herself is calling us to MAKE ART through her spokesmen, The Finance Bros of Bitcoin. Do you hear Her Call?
Maybe, we are remembering that we are a species of creation...and Capitalism is due for a much-needed overhaul of beauty and grace after a century or so of the dirgy, dusty, and grimy industrial revolution.
We are not sure in these beginning stages how this is all going to look in the physical but we feel the stirrings of this movement circling our systems and social constructs, slowly but surely expanding our connection to What Is Possible.
The supply and demand is here. Capitalism is calling out for Art to be made! But, will Capital invest in the Artist?
"Will your system be alright? When you dream of home tonight? There is no message we're receiving. Let me know, is your heart still beating? Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital. My hands are cold. And I'm on my knees, looking for the answer. Are we human? Or are we dancer?" -The Killers
About Kate: I hold two bachelors of arts degrees from The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in Linguistics and Italian Studies. I am a Renaissance Woman determined to blend artistry and consciousness with the business world. I have 13+ years of business and product development experience across an array of industries and I am currently composing and producing my first full-length album. My artistic platform is called Priestess House: where cosmology meets our reality. I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan with my two sons, George and Peter.