We are Hoteliers by Phillip Nare
We are hoteliers?
By Phillip Nare
"The police take forever to arrive when called during emergencies"
I hear the South African citizens complain.
"All they know is how to take bribery instead of doing their work"
Another voice adds from the crowd.
Then after I marvel at how South Africans think and believe that the individuals currently employed in the police force are all in there to stop crime.
Many, some or most of them may be however there is still a handful of those that are not in the police force to stop crime but instead they just joined the government positions because times are tough and they were unsuccessful in pursuing alternative career paths.
This obviously results in situations where a phone call to the nearest police station stating that there is gun shots going off in a certain area, a police Van may be dispatched however one or both vehicle occupants may rethink twice before driving themselves into a shower of bullets thus only arrive 45min later when all is calm and it's just statements obtainment that lingers as the only task to be performed for that shift.
The South African citizen does not realize however that the police force is not the only career industry that takes in employees who are not really fitting for the career path selected for.
Many other companies have employed mind sets and characters that are unfitting into their payroll, their industry, their department and they as a company are soon left to suffer at the merciless hands of the employees incompetency.
You will hear many individuals including foreign nationalities residing in the country having their own experience and bitter taste left in their mouth after dealing with a police representative who is not really in that field for all this stop crime business but in it for making more money and utilizing the opportunities presented by the position to best benefit themselves.
The expected social behavior from those who wear the police uniform is automatic from most minds and one never immediately thinks this police official maybe one of those guys who only joined the force because there was no alternative vacancies at the time and the person needed a job thus joined the police since they were hiring.
I am in the hospitality industry and with the various years I've spent in the customer service industry I have came across many of such "police officers" in the field.
People who display in their mannerism that being a hospitable person by nature is far from their character and it burdens them to have to deal, meet and entertain people.
Such individuals can be found in every call center, filling stations amongst the petrol attendants, hospitals and clinics, yes indeed medical care units have such individuals too,
people who only joined the medical industry because they heard there is a demand of nurses somewhere so since the Public Relation Diploma is not yet helpful the individual went where the opportunity may lie and trust me when I say you will know when you meet a nurse who is one by uniform and appointment but nut a nurse by nature.?
Often we will label these individuals incompetent and allow our encounter with them to work up our patience and calmness levels to the level of pure anger and frustration.?
The recruitment team may do their best to swift through the applications they have for any specific post they had advertised however is the recruitment team the correct people to be picking the potential candidates for the post your company seeks to hire for or should you get the floor supervisors also involved??
If the police force can make an error of hiring an official who only cares about helping prostitutes rob people, assisting drug dealers with maintaining the smooth flow of their illegal business etc
What makes you think your company lacks the imperfection necessary for such an error to transpire during the recruitment processes??
Learn to identify individuals strengths and position them in roles where they will be most effective and beneficial to the entablement as a whole.
Next time you walk into a bank remember that you may about to be assisted by a banker that really is a banker or you might be assisted by a person who use to think they want to be a banker but realize numbers bore them, people frustrated them and they want to pursue their career in transportation business in mining.
Thus do not allow a companies employee to have the ability to alter your state of feeling and mood to the point that the rest of your day flies out the window while your mind is occupied by the level of setback that person's incompetency has set you by.
Stay Calm and deal with both facts, 1 your problem and 2 recognize that you may just be having the wrong person to help you.
Just like the tuck-shops and supermarkets find themselves with hired thieves in their shops, staff stealing from the freezer or where have you.
Just like the Tire shop that sees vehicles coming in and out daily but the money is not equivalent to the traffic flow but the mechanic are eating KFC everyday for lunch, your company may finds itself with an employee that is not really meant to be there.?
Identify such people in your space of work and come up with a long term plan of how you are going to resolve this customer dissatisfaction cause in your company.
But while you on that, identify simultaneously those that really want to be where they are in your department and ensure they continue loving what they do for work.
I write this for hotelier for I am a hotelier at heart too. It's not a burden for me to cook a meal for my visitors and pour them a glass of drink and ensure they are comfortable while I indulge in their company.?
Getting to the work place such conduct is but a norm but I too have encountered characters that are not in tune with the nature of being hospitable.
So the following words I write as my mantra or chant or affirmation and I love it because it reminds me of why I do what I do.?
Recite with me!?
"We are hoteliers, experts in customer service and hospitable in nature,
We do not work at hotels just because the company was hiring,
We are in the service industry because we love being of help and courtesy to those we come in contact with,
Yes! We are HOTELIERS,
The King and Queens Castle would be an empty hearted place to dwell in if our chefs, waiters, housekeepers, security, maintenance professionals were nowhere to be seen,
We conduct ourselves as self respecting ladies and gentlemen,?
so welcome to our man made paradise"
?how can I be of your service?
by Phillip Nare