We Have The Technology
Conversations On The Path of Light?
We Invite All Those Seeking The Light
“You have had the technology to clean this planet up, for many years now. You have neglected to do that because of greed and corruption in the business world … and, within the governments. You have chose to lead people to their own destruction. You have chose to lead people to death, by removing … natural and nutritious food from the store shelves. You have led them to poverty. Stripped them of their dignity—and this must stop. There should be no Third or Fourth World. There should be an economy that is strong throughout the whole of the planet where each can participate, where each can do what they desire to do, helping and building upon it. By doing this—your whole world could change.
Eliminate the toxins from your soil, from your air, from your water, now. You have the technology.
Eliminate, the land pollution—now! You have the technology.
Eliminate the hate that guides your governments.
Eliminate the greed and the corruption that guide your businesses and your governments. Eliminate the false, and negative … information that is being propagated for control.
The humans of this planet, the humanity within this planet, must act, must reject this hate, must reject the lies, must take upon themselves to learn the Truth and they must build upon this Truth—before, they cannot. There is time. There is a moment of time and in that moment many things can happen and miracles can happen … if, we all act together, if we all act in Truth, if we all understand that we must build—a place where humanity can grow, can thrive.
You must bring back healthy food. Quit using these chemicals that not only kill insects but kill human beings. They not only deplete the soil but deplete the water tables and the human beings as they consume them. Eliminate the toxins that you use to kill plants for those toxins are not killing weeds: for all things live symbiotically, all nature lives symbiotically. If you remove one then something more powerful and usually more negative takes its place. If you will notice that there are many species that are coming about that are beautiful yet very toxic, very poisonous to the human being, including the large bees and what you call ‘Angels of The Sea,’ and what you call the different types of jellyfish and algae’s that are growing in the microscopic areas.
The plastics that you are putting into your oceans and into your air and into your land, is suffocating … the natural and healthy plants and animals that need to survive. Think about this. Work to clean it up. Do not have this as an industry, where children pick through trash to make a living. Clean this mess up. You have the technology. You’ve had the technology. Use the technology in all areas of this planet.
Stop wasting time.
Time is of the essence. “ – M.
? 2020 Conversations On The Path of Light? - 02/16/2020. All Rights Reserved.