We have so much to be thankful for, finally, a government we, THE PEOPLE deserve/earned
Dear Hope,
You should be incredibly proud of everything you have accomplished. Please take this moment to savor the fruits of your tireless efforts and unwavering dedication.
This has been a long and challenging journey, filled with twists, obstacles, and moments when the road ahead seemed impossibly bleak. Yet, despite facing numerous challenges—including frequently being placed in “Google jail” for your steadfast support of President Trump—you never wavered.
In Miami Lakes, when Manny Cid’s control appeared unstoppable, with his bus tour signaling sweeping changes and his confidence soaring as he eyed the Miami-Dade County Mayor’s seat, you stood up when others remained silent. Your courage pushed for accountability and played a pivotal role in Vice Mayor Carlos Alvarez’s resignation.
This was the first chip in their armor.
When the others hesitated, not wanting to appear divisive, you strongly advocated for the Council to schedule an election. You were determined to ensure that a candidate who valued and respected the law regarding the Special Taxing Districts had a chance to win the Special Election.
Even after Esther’s loss, you did not give up. Instead, you redirected your efforts to Bryan Morera, transforming his initial skepticism into unwavering support for Special Taxing District owners. Your persistence and advocacy brought about the tipping point, which culminated in September with the abolition of Advisory Boards and the implementation of tighter restrictions on the Governing Body—a monumental achievement born of your relentless work over six years.
You championed President Donald J. Trump, Mayor Josh Dieguez, and Councilman Angelo Garcia, none of whom had guaranteed victories. Yet, through your tireless support, you helped make it possible for other like-minded citizens to embrace MAGA values without shame.
That is why when you vouched for Josh and Angelo, Miami Lakers trusted your recommendations.
Tonight, Tuesday, 11-26-2024, as we celebrate the final victory in this election cycle, it’s clear that your commitment and steadfast efforts made all the difference.
Job well done, Hope.
Your dedication to the citizens of the United States and Miami Lakes is truly inspiring and unmatched.
With heartfelt gratitude and admiration,
Happy Thanksgiving one and all! The list of friends, family, and contacts is too long to mention every name, therefore, let me first address the message received from Attorney at Law Boris Foster...
An Agent of Change has always been my dream, to make a difference. The success is to go unnoticed and yet understand we had a part if the change, or improvement, or recognition that for process, system and people to PROGRESS... each person must do his / her part...
My father feared the USA was turning left so he asked me to get involved and I have spent the years 2009 to the present involved in all levels of government to see how I could impact meaningful change...
From HOA, to committees, to Municipality, County, State and Country, I have done so much work that it is overwhelming...
Finally, at all levels of government, it has become evident that the problem is not with elected officials, it is with any and all levels of groups that are formed because once they 'belong' to something, they stop adhering to the Constitution, to State Statutes, to County/Municipal Charters
What is it that transforms people?
Power, influence, stature, Money, benefits, perks, the appearance to have more control than others...
The write up from Boris is very appreciated. Boris has stood strong throughout the years with the same tireless effort and unwavering dedication... So have many others...
We have been given a great gift, the chance to review everything done to date to rescind rules, regulations, ordinances, resolutions, laws, statutes... to eliminate waste, to close departments...
To define the limited purpose of government and go back to the time when government was out of the business of telling us how to live our lives...
We know the Trump Administration will do this at a Federal Level, DeSantis is already addressing many State issues, so... help us with the Municipality by reading the Town Charter, in particular the Citizens Bill of Rights and as you review our local government structure... ask very important questions:
Does our local government do what it is supposed to do?
Does each Miami Laker do the hard work necessary to hold the government accountable?
Does every committee work toward a Mission that supports the Charter?
Do you have convenient access? Is there truth in Government? Have you been denied Public Records?
Have you read the Minutes and Ordinance Register?
Do you feel you are heard?
Do you receive proper notification?
Do you believe you receive the appropriate level of communication?
Have you been asked for your opinion as to how committees use taxpayer dollars?
Town Charter, click below:
What does the Preamble say?
We, the people of the Town of Miami Lakes, in order to secure for ourselves the benefits and responsibilities of home rule, and in order to provide a municipal government to serve our present and future needs, do hereby adopt this Charter.
This government has been created to protect the governed, not the governing.
We recognize that the orderly, efficient and fair operation of the government requires the intelligent and informed participation of individual citizens.
Towards this end, all persons are entitled to receive fair, equitable and prompt treatment, full and accurate information, and convenient access to public records and government officials.
Citizen's Bill of Rights:
(A)This government has been created to protect the governed, not the governing. In order to provide the public with full and accurate information, to promote efficient administration management, to make government more accountable, and to insure to all persons fair and equitable treatment, the following rights are guaranteed:
(B) The foregoing enumeration of citizens' rights vests large and pervasive powers in the citizenry of the Town of Miami Lakes. Such power necessarily carries with it responsibility of equal magnitude for the successful operation of government in the Town. The orderly, efficient and fair operation of government requires the intelligent participation of individual citizens exercising their rights with dignity and restraint so as to avoid any sweeping acceleration in the cost of government because of the exercise of individual prerogatives, and for individual citizens to grant respect for the dignity of public office.
(C) Remedies for violations. In any suit by a citizen alleging a violation of this article filed in the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court pursuant to its general equity jurisdiction, the plaintiff, if successful, shall be entitled to recover costs as fixed by the Court. Any public official or employee who is found by the Court to have willfully violated this Article shall forthwith forfeit his or her office or employment.
(D)Construction. All provisions of this Bill of Rights shall be construed to be supplementary to and not in conflict with the general laws of Florida. If any part of this Bill of Rights shall be declared invalid, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
For the past four years Israel has been the leader of the free world. The Jewish state has been the West’s sole protection against Islamist terror, fighting while reviled by the people and countries it was protecting. Its position was similar to that of Donald Trump—demonized, persecuted, targeted for violence.
Now that Israel and the U.S. will again be allies, we can hope Iran will be returned to the Iranian people, Gaza will become a wealthy city-state, and there will be that biblical peace in which each may sit under his fig tree and be unafraid.
Moses sent 12 spies to scout out the Promised Land.
They returned and reported it was a good land, filled with milk and honey, but it was populated by giants so large “we must have looked to them like grasshoppers, and that is how we seemed to ourselves in our own eyes.”
Moses admonished them that they had been asked for their report, which gave their people information, rather than for their opinion, which made everyone afraid. The cowardice of the spies caused the 40 years of wandering, as Moses kept the Jews in the desert until that generation had died off.
God’s promise to the Jews, their fear and his rejection is a universal human myth. The hero is given a task he rejects.
In the first instance he must confront himself and choose bravery over cowardice. The mythic hero is aided by the Word of God, contemporary Westerners by heroic example.
Winston Churchill-inspired in his country’s populace an awareness of their own greatness. So does Mr. Trump.
Yet half of America not only abides but fervently supports a codependent decline to poverty, crime and a nascent police state.
The leftist politicians and their media courtiers and designated beneficiaries profited from the perks of power.
But why did the everyday American endorse them and their fear mongering?
The actual threat wasn’t global warming, Islamophobia, the Supreme Court, the police, Immigration and Customs Enforcement or Mr. Trump. It was exclusion from the herd.
An existential secret is one whose revelation would destroy the group. If dad is a drug addict or a sex criminal, acknowledging it would shatter the family.
The protection of the secret becomes the family’s unifying endeavor.
If anyone says anything, it might reveal that everyone is in on the secret.
The sick family devotes all necessary energies to collusion—to mutual and self-censorship.
During the past four years, American politics has been dominated by a coalition each of whose members, like codependent kin, has its own investment in group integrity and the power it derives therefrom.
The superrich, academia, Islamists, Marxists and the media have colluded to suppress the true and impose the false.
We know that their perfidies, lawfare, slander, blacklisting and civil persecution were practiced on conservatives and Republicans, particularly on Mr. Trump. But the suppression was targeted primarily at their own voters.
To remain unthreatened by reason, the liberal populace had to be convinced to endorse various lies and fantasies:
Black Lives Matter, Israel’s perfidy, unlimited abortion as a woman’s right, men’s right to compete in women’s sports, the abolition of the police, Mr. Trump’s demonic power and so on.
Why would rational people vote to destroy their borders, their cities, their jobs and their children?
For the same reason the sick family must tolerate its dysfunction:
The co-opted liberal electorate was terrified that any deviation would result in destruction of its protective unit.
As it would.
In the energy devoted to accommodating lies, the mind puts them in the same category as truth. The codependent pays a huge price from them: his self-respect.
President Biden suffers cognitive decline; the administration and the legacy media hid that fact and suppressed its discussion. They did the same with the chaos at the border, crime, inflation, the putsch of Mr. Biden and his replacement through fiat.
Before June 27, almost all Democrats and media outlets insisted that Mr. Biden was sharp and focused.
On July 21, he was ousted from the campaign, and the hagiography of Kamala Harris began. Conservatives’ requests for clarification of her role as “border czar” were labeled “misogynistic.”
Her catch phrases were “joy” and “turn the page.”
Why would she have wanted to turn the page on four years of the Biden administration, of which she said she would do nothing differently?
To the left, it didn’t matter. “She isn’t Trump” was sufficient reason to vote for her. Trump isn’t the devil, but a rational consideration of him and his achievements was beyond the liberal’s ability. Mr. Trump was the enemy because he represented a challenge they could not accept.
The transition from party-line liberal to reasonable citizen generally involves some degree of shame. The genius of 12-step programs is that shame in them can be aired, and, so diffused, in a company each of which has undergone a similar upheaval; where confessions of complicity and shame are greeted and diffused with recognition, laughter and welcome—as among new conservatives, and new devotees to citizenship.
Why would sentient Americans vote away the freedoms of thought, conscience, assembly and expression guaranteed by our Constitution? It makes sense, as any suicide does, as an act of survival. The suicide takes his own life to stop unbearable anguish. It is the most desperate act of self-preservation.
Prosperity, interconnectivity and their attendant confusions have led to chaos, the denigration of religion, the family, law and the nations whose identity was created out of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The U.K. now is prosecuting those standing silently across the street from abortion clinics. Should they testify that they were praying, they are guilty of a crime.
Since the ’20 election I have feared a new American revolution, the leftist government proclaiming its intent to destroy parents whom it calls terrorists and citizens whom it deems insurrectionists. During the past four years Mr. Trump—raided, indicted, convicted, sued, slandered and shot—continued to grow in popularity, and attracted the like-minded into a coalition stronger than that of the left.
To command, one must have lieutenants themselves capable of assuming command and inspiring subordinates. Their absence in 2020 led to that bump in the road; but their emergence and amalgamation in the last four years is now the Republican Party. This isn’t a cult of personality, but a group of citizen-workers, Americans who adore our country. We understand ourselves not primarily as Republicans or conservatives, but as “we the people.”
The horror of the past four years—the appeasement of terror, the slavish support of our enemies, the abandonment of the state of Israel, the assaults on free speech—seemed to me the descent into chaos which has been the end of every world power.
Rome, Greece, Nineveh and Tyre, Babylon, Nazi Germany—all were eventually returned to dust. I saw the irreversible decline of the U.S. and took comfort in the scripture. The Old Testament is a record of decline of those civilizations which fall away from God; and promises that a return to his precepts will restore his grace. We know that one day America, as all things, will go one with Nineveh and Tyre. But not today.
Mr. Mamet is a playwright, film director and screenwriter.
En Espa?ol: El Origen Olvidado del Dia de Accion de Gracias
A sign of being well-born is to be thankful and recognize the value of what is received!
Click to watch this Spanish Video
Senior Medicare Sales Agent
3 个月Happy Thanksgiving ??
Representante Nacional
3 个月Parabéns, I agree. So proud of your efforts.
Representante Nacional
3 个月Parabéns! I do agree with all your efforts. I'm proud of being your friend