Ownership. Art. Our very own creations, for us to share with the world. No limitations, only our own unique artistic expression. We allow ourselves to be free, when creating; to show the masses the same liberation. Its ok to love. And its ok to feel hurt. I can write a song about finding love, as easily as I am able to share with the world; a song about heart brake. Artist are mavericks. We are not afraid about anything.
Creative control is a freedom. We express daily with the works of art that we create. We have had to fight for these two basic, fundamental rights since business was introduced into the arts. Although I am a capitalist, and an entrepreneur by default; I am not ignorant to the theft of our life's works.
No financial institution may actually care about us. We pray that they do. But the reality is, that they cannot generate a red cent without us; and what we do and what we bring to the table. This is never fair, but fair is in the eye of the beholder; like beauty. From their perspective they feel the need to acquire the rights, to other peoples belongings.
Most labels act like a fake bank. Because we all know all banks are fake. But included in that initial loan, the actual theft. Record labels are banks, that issue loans at ridiculous interest rates; with close to impossible to pay back terms. And on top of all of that; they ask for the ownership.
In real estate terms. If I secure financing, for a property, whether I develop the place or not; I retain ownership of the home once its paid in full. I do not have to fight the banks, to regain ownership; upon repayment. And also, the bank can never dictate to me, the builder, where to build, how to build and whom to build with. Makes sense to you?
If the bank finances your bakery, they do not ask for the ownership of your recipies; or aim to pursue franchising opportunities with your entity. Nor do they sponsor your competition. My music belongs to me. And I do not belong to you or your company. Always and forever; more. No matter what. No matter what. For all eternity and existence. You got it? Good.
Their entire lives. Their entire careers, business move after business move; their aims were clear. The honey of the beehive, is the catalog. Master position. They wanted exactly what is now my religion. Full ownership. Complete creative control. We can partner up for marketing, promotion and distribution. We can both partake in the burden of all liabilities, at a set rate; deemed feasible for all parties involved. And that's it. Anything else is slavery.
No offense taken here. This is a business. It's easier to determine the cost of things, like taxes. But it is a lot harder to calculate the value of art. I know my worth in the market place today at cost and retail. I also know the hidden variable. I know my value. This can never be purchased. Ever. I would never settle for less. And neither should you.
Taking full responsibility of our own destiny. Making our own music, our own NFT's and making our own decisions; for our own premium brands. Opensea.io/venom_r1
All of my music is there. All of my NFT's will live there. itunes, spotify are now only marketing firms for my music. They only pay me 0.03/ stream. Each of my NFT's are the price of an Etherium. There are multiple variations. For multiple collections and releases. Some are less than $60.00. Each stream is a potential to sell 1 NFT. I plan to stream 500,000,000/ month in five months. Lol. I only need to sell 25 million NFT's of each song. Happy face. Happy face. Happy dance.....
No need for anything else. I have thousands of songs. Nobody works harder than me. Lebron just broke the record. Now tonight I will record an album to commemorate it. WWW.BANDLAB.COM/VENOMR1
I will release it tonight. NFT's will be available tonight. Opensea.io/venom_r1
No record label. Or artist can compete with that. I am here to destroy them. Each and every day. And guess what? For valentines day. I'll have an album about love, filled with love songs. Watch me. My catalog grows daily. Its portfolio value grows daily.
Sony, Warner Bros, Universal/Tidal... Cash and carry. Yesterday's prices are not today's prices.
I want preferred company stocks. The advances in Bitcoin and Etherium.
Either we do business. Or we do business. YOU give me 100% of what I want. I give you 100% of what you need. We work together. As business partners. All terms fairly established on the block chain public ledger, so all current artist can negotiate their deals, and all future artist can leverage and negotiate the best terms for themselves. You will be judged, and categorized based on your actions. By the public and most importantly; by us. The artist. You will no longer choose us. We will choose you.
Fair business right? Long term? Generational wealth? Legacy goals beyond our lifetimes? Exactly. Keep your Rolex and your Rolls Royce. I buy my own private jets. I am an owner.
We can finally sell more cheeseburgers. Great. Now we can secure a higher market value. It's a technological development liability; but hey... It gets us closer to the future? Right Jim. So instead of $400,000,000.00 now we require $750,000,000.00
This will allow us to brake in an additional 43% market share. Thus increasing profits by the same margin. Now we have access to $8 billion, instead of $4.8.... Soooo..... $400 million just wont cut it in this "new" domain? By the way... What is that merger evaluation? Well we need to factor that in as well; we are business partners after all? Right?
One owner. One artist. One lifetime. Each one of my thoughts is worth millions of dollars, in my lifetime. In 5,000 generations; Quintillions.
Yes. Of course I know this; today. Forever and ever.
Write the check please.
Interest rates grow daily.