We have to put our kids above the rhetoric
Regardless… If you support the right to bear arms or not. Guns are here to stay and our children are defenseless Talk and feel good anti gun crap works as well as a broken fire alarm.
Talk to your local Board of Education
Every school building needs an armed fast response team of security, teachers and administrators trained to mitigate every kind of emergency that could occur in their building.
Every school building in the United States has teachers, administrators, security and staff that, if armed and trained will mitigate any threat to their beloved students. All they need is the Board of Education to give then the go-ahead and training.
Call you BOE and tell then to treat all potential threats to students the same way they treat fire.
Tell your State Governor and Legislature, It's their constructional duty to protect our children while they are in school. So pony up and pay to protect the kids.
If you agree please contact your Board of Education.