David Reichner
Husband to my eternal Goddess, Barbi, Education Consultant/Vocalist/Actor for Jesus Christ/Professional Head Basketball Coach
Dear States Department of Education, Superintendents, Principals and Families,
It is obvious and very understandable that our national awareness is heightened as it pertains to the protection and safety of our school kids and their teachers. That being said, I would like to begin a dialogue with you about our world class preventive security options for schools who understand that deterrent, prevention and elimination is better than post event casualty management. Our training protocols are managed by a leadership group whose members include civilian trainers, special forces operators, law enforcement trainers, SWAT team members and world class K9 trainers and handlers. Please reply directly or have your safety/security lead reach out to me so we can set a time for an earnest discussion on how best to protect your students and teachers.
David Reichner
Education-Business Consultant
Phone: 408-438-6867
E-Mail: [email protected]
To proactively "deter and prevent" anyone who wishes to harm our children from carrying out their terrorist act.
We are a team of military and law enforcement professionals and we are also fathers. We know what we are doing and how to do it. Our bottom line is simple - when a veteran is vested in the community they work and live in they will be the one to move toward danger to protect those they serve. Like military service they will not be doing it for the pay check but because they know the kids personally. Our teams will offer our kids a safe and secure environment and will protect them with their lives if need be. Giving them the opportunity to serve again is very meaningful to a veteran
D i s c o v e r y ---P r e s e n t a t i o n ---A g r e e m e n t
We visit with you to educate you about our world class services. We work WITH you to identify your needs, weaknesses and as importantly your restrictions. Restrictions can be political, legal, ethical, religious or ethnic. This is why our teams are not products, sitting idle, waiting to get bought. They are developed and trained once we have both agreed on your unique situation and how best to deploy them.
E v a l u a t i o n ---T r a i n i n g ---A c c r e d i t a t i o n
Each officer and K9 will go through rigorous testing and training protocols based upon your specific needs. Our teams are trained in state of the art coursework — classroom and live scenario training — by the best trainers in the country. SEALs, Law Enforcement SWAT, Cognitive Practitioners and K9 trainers and handlers. Our advanced training in preventive threat assessments, personnel protection and people skills will allow our teams to seamlessly integrate into the community at large.
D e p l o y m e n t ---D e t e r r e n t ---P r o t e c t i o n
On completion of officer and K9 training we will deploy YOUR team. On arrival they will immediately assume the role of primary deterrent and protector for those they serve. Once the team is embedded in your school they can begin their processes to educate teachers and students on additional levels of awareness and readiness. Together we will keep our school kids safe when they are their most vulnerable —away from parents and loved ones.
A d d i t i o n a l S e r v i c e s
Our company is invested in your school and your community. We will always look to enhance the safety and security of those in our care. Our teams can also provide additional benefits to students and teachers by being a focal point of support. In short, SPS empowers teachers to nurture and teach, while we serve and protect. When the will is there the safety of our most treasured assets will follow.
Husband to my eternal Goddess, Barbi, Education Consultant/Vocalist/Actor for Jesus Christ/Professional Head Basketball Coach
6 年Contact me directly if interested...
Published Author at Titan Global Group. LLC
6 年No gun free school zones. PERIOD!
National Board Certified Counselor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor;Retired Chaplain and Educator
6 年On my mission there was a funny expression: "Por boca cerrada,no entran moscas" : "Into a closed mouth no flys enter." If no other measures are taken, the same simplistic, most basic, first step, logic applies to schools and is not even controversial.....Teachers should lock classroom doors and deny entry to people who are potential threats .....and any armed guards should be positioned at school external doors. Duh! Every combat military man knows you first protect your perimeter! Want a funny image? Imagine if the halls of Congress were declared to be a "gun free zone."....How well would that be accepted and approved?" That should give a hint at other common sense, obvious, preventive measures.......no humor intended.
Canon Lawyer - Defender of the Bond
6 年The best first line of defense is the students themselves. The students know their classmates, how they act, who they associate with daily, their hobbies, interests, etc. They need to be personally empowered to pro-actively reach out when they notice changes in behavior. It may be just one of those days, it may be much more. If the student they reach out to is non-cooperative, the student who reached out must let school authorities know. School authorities must contact the parent and share those concerns and demand a response in 2 school days or less. Teachers need to monitor and offer support to the student acting differently. Prevention is better than any other option.
National Board Certified Counselor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor;Retired Chaplain and Educator
6 年As a retired military officer and also a retired teacher I have a dose of negative reality....in my experienced opinion I had several corrective solutions, ideas and proven strategies,and tactics in education practices and disciplinary and security measures which were rejected with hostility. They were offensive to my school administrators (and bosses) . I do not believe it was my personality which caused the offense or I would have been fired.. I an ashamed to say I was frequently in trouble and/or a misfit if/when I presented any conservative procedure or idea which was in conflict with the predominance of political correctness, leftist unions and liberal female driven ideology. Modern public education has more to do with leftist propaganda than the search for truth or the BYU motto of "the world is our campus."