We have a global fart with Art

We have a global fart with Art

We have a global fart with art the degradation of art has reached the limit of idiocy, of the empty, those who sell do not have ideas, influence the intellectual vacuum of the spectators, in a society where extraordinary ideas are severely prohibited in Social networks, on the open television channels, closed, cable and Internet, has to raffle the idiot, absurd and empty: but have you wondered why? Because the controllers of the planet, billionaires who go crazy through the greed that destroys geniuses and dreamers. It's called Establishment, it is known between intellectuals, but most of the inhabitants ignore it. For example, the correct way to face this "pandemic" crisis is not a tapabocas (face covers), or closing the social economy, the correct way is to face it with good food, plant-based vegetables produced locally and without chemical, everything you purchase in packets plastic destroys the possibilities of existing ... Buy a cocacola, take it, and your body loses months or years of life, the plastic will be a hindrance in the planetary ecological life, commits a melon and your body earns months or years of life, and the Wrapping, which is an extraordinary creation of nature for you, will serve as an extraordinary compost method for crops such as corn and beans. You understand, corporations and billionaires take your hair, destroy ideas and promote the idiot, this must end. Examples that are worth Gold ground:

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This beautiful picture has been destroyed by several "art" critics of the establishment. We started with Briza in the morning, of the youngest and promising surreal artist in Mexico. The critics are fixed on her face and chueca (unrigth potition) nose of her, in her body and in which her hand has it hidden, in just one minute of observation, this implies an extremely unlikely of rating. This picture represents being mystical of the future, honoring a pumpkin, a perfect food for the habitants of the earth, at the same time the hand behind means the mourning at the same time, by all those who died in the pandemic that could not be caused by causes of Bárbaro hiding of the natural truth, they took alcohol, ate meat, and consumed at the corporate points of sale, in Mexico are called shops or supermarkets, decreasing not only their health but the possibilities of a planet extraordinarily well designing by nature, destroyed For the aberrant incomprehension of the primitive and sub developed human ...

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This other corresponds to one of the youngest and equally promoting muralists in Mexico, a self-port that expresses the pain and suffering of indigenous ethnic group in Mexico, but at the same time, in the same being, in the same space, a well-founded hope In the irrevocable forces of nature.

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This other picture will be by itself, is from a Mexican artist, mother, guide, friend, who generates the expression of greed and incomprehension ...

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In music, in the art that travels in the magnetic networks that connect thousands of galaxies in outer space, sounds that heal and form great minds, all, all prohibited and buried, by those who supplant the balance of doing, produce, defend , building, the current musician owes his art to the multidiscipline, yoga, veganism, not taking a drop of alcohol, only green juices, honey, coffee, chocolate, everything that nature provides the artist to generate instead Definitive that the land needs to provide health and peace to its inhabitants. This pianist is me, I dedicate my day to look for all the media the honor, realization and peace through letters and notes and style of piano art, which has nothing to do with the conventional ... more Well it is like getting on a piano and traveling to the universe, and creating the experiments that the gods and gods creators of our worlds like, so I ask for peace on earth.

Gerardo González Miranda. Writer, pianist and owner of Art Bookseller, Art Gallery in Madero 53, SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.


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