We have to dream.
Do you still remember what you used to say you were going to do? Some of us said we'd be doctors, others police officers, firefighters, veterinarians, or teachers, and maybe if we close our eyes a little and try to see that 5- or 8-year-old child we once were, and imagine ourselves from the window watching our younger selves playing at putting out the fieriest flames or solving the mysterious mystery of Mom's lost keys, we would realize that today we might be or might not be what we once said we would be.
Let's start from another point, which is being happy. While dreaming is about having a goal to strive for, let me put it this way: the big roots that break the pavement on sidewalks were once tiny, delicate threads seeking water. Today, perhaps, we seek stability, a good salary, a positive work environment, and we forget one thing: being happy. Did our 5-year-old selves worry about how much a firefighter or a doctor earned? Did they worry about debts, food, or chores? The answer is NO.
And you might say times have changed and now we're adults, but I must also tell you that one designs the world they want to live in based on their decisions. Because dreaming is not just about having an idea or a goal in mind, but fighting tooth and nail to achieve it. And I return to the example of that 5-year-old child; he imagines the biggest fire that ever existed on planet Earth in the backyard, but all it took was a bucket of water to make the Evergreen 747 Supertanker (the largest firefighting airplane in the world) fly halfway around the world and put it out. Even though there was no fire, no large territory, and no airplane, things were possible.
The magic of being children is that through dreaming we create and design amazing things through our imagination. Regardless of any religion or belief, I believe Jesus was a great philosopher, but what catches my attention are the words he said, that unless we become like children, we won't enter the kingdom of heaven, the most sacred and divine according to most people's superstitions. But why be like a child? A child hears what we don't hear, sees what we don't see, and lives in a world we cannot feel, and even though we believe none of that exists, ultimately, a child makes the impossible to our eyes possible in their eyes. It makes ideas and imaginations become reality, and gives life to what doesn't move, voice to what doesn't speak, and feelings to things. If a child can do that, can't we change our world?
No matter how big, old, or stubborn a human becomes, they will always be human, and that ingenuity and creativity will always be there.
The moment we combine the passion to achieve our dreams with our goals, innovation is born.
The magic of turning impossible things into possible ones is innovation. And this happens when we take our ideas and thoughts from being mere concepts to reality. From being nothing to others to something real, palpable, and tangible. But we come back to the same thing, the only way to start the innovation process is to dream again, set goals, objectives, start each day thinking about who we want to be, and imagine a mountain, see where we are and where we want to go, without thinking until this moment about negativity, obstacles, or difficulties.
Dreaming is not about planning or designing a strategic plan to achieve our goals, but rather about being able to identify and reflect on where we are and what we want to achieve, be, or improve. Not only as professionals but also as individuals, siblings, children, and citizens.
Is dreaming too complicated?
Some authors like Jean-Paul Sartre suggest the power of thinking and reflecting on who we are, since our existence on this earth is a reality. Believe me, you are not the only human being, and I and those around you are as real as you are. Therefore, I would say the first step to dreaming is defining who we really are, without filters or pretending to be something we are not.
For example:
Who is Josue Pineda really? Who am I really?
I am a son, a brother, and a husband. I am a hardworking, enthusiastic, happy young man passionate about sales. I love discovering new places and being in touch with people... likes... dislikes... passions... times... professional life... how I feel... skills... areas of opportunity... my weaknesses... strengths... dreams.
Once we have defined who we are, then we can move on to the ultimate point, which is what I really want, dreaming.
As advice, I remind you that while it is important to set goals for things, those that generate the greatest change and are worth a thousand times more, are those that help us improve as individuals. I believe that the biggest goal or dream for people should be to be happy, because that is the meaning of life, to live happily, not just to survive. We have stopped being nomads to be able to develop in all aspects and to be part of the change generation.
Therefore, we can conclude that dreaming is a natural act for all human beings, starting from childhood and developing as we grow, making everything impossible become possible with passion and hope, exercising innovation upon it.
Because let me tell you one thing, if we start dreaming and put passion into making our dreams come true, then we can move forward and make impossible things possible.