We Have Been Drugged
"Religion is the most dangerous drug"
Religion is a poisonous pain killer drug for our psychopathatic pain. Initially, it is sweet. If we want to understand how the world works, we need to give up religious beliefs and understand divinity and spirituality which is beyond the realm of any religion. Divinity & spirituality open up your mind and heart, whereas religion is an organized crime to brainwash the masses. Factually, the most dangerous people in the world are the most religious ones. Religion has a narcotic effect on the mind, it corrupts the soul & it closes the mind to facts. Religions thrive on the center of soulless conditions & in the heart of a heartless world. Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it can not understand. Which religion is right? because they are all different, they could be all wrong, but they can't all be right.
The first requisite for the progress of the human race is the abolition of all religions then we forming a deep understanding with the laws of the universe. Now we can dance to the tune & rhythm of the universe.